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Web Based Functions - II

Function GetCellData(sBrowserName, sPageName,sTableName,sRow, sCol,iTestNo)

' method: GetCellData()
' returns: Data from a Specific Cell of the table
' parameter: sBrowserName,sPageName,sTableName,sRow,sCol
' parameter:
' notes: To retrieve Data from a Specific Cell of the table
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebTable(sTableName).Exist Then
GetCellData = Trim(Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebTable(sTableName).GetCellData(sRow, sCol))
If GetCellData <> "" Then
Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_PASS,"Get CellData from WebTable", "Web Table '" & CStr(sTableName) & "' Value is ::" & CStr(GetCellData) & ".")

Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_WARNING, "Get CellData from WebTable", "Web Table '" & CStr(sTableName) & "' Value is Empty from Cell ::" & CStr(sRow) & "," & CStr(sCol) & ".")

End If
Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_FAIL, "Get CellData from WebTable", "Web Table '" & CStr(sTableName) & "' No Table Found in Page.")

End If
End Function

Sub OperateTableWebEdit(sBrowserName, sPageName, sTableName, sRow, sCol, iVal,iTestNo)

' method: OperateTableCheckBox(sBrowserName,sPageName,sTableName,sRow,sCol,sOperation)
' returns:
' parameter: sRow,sCol : Row &Col to Select/Deselect any Check Box of a Table
' parameter:
' notes: To Enter Data for a Web Edit found from a Specific Cell of the table


Dim SetWebEdit
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebTable(sTableName).Exist Then

sWebEditexist = Trim(Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebTable(sTableName).ChildItemCount(sRow, sCol, "WebEdit"))
If sWebEditexist = 1 Then
Set SetWebEdit = Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebTable(sTableName).ChildItem(sRow, sCol, "WebEdit", 0)
SetWebEdit.Set iVal
Reporter.ReportEvent MicPass, "Web Table : " & CStr(sTableName), " Radio Button in Row :" & CStr(sRow) & ":: of Column" & CStr(sCol) & " is set as " & CStr(iVal)
Reporter.ReportEvent MicFail, "Web Table :" & CStr(sTableName), " not Found in given Page :" & CStr(sPageName)

End If

sWebEditContent = SetWebEdit.GetROProperty("value")

If (Trim(sWebEditContent) = Trim(iVal)) Then
Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_PASS, "Operate Web Edit in Table ", "Web Edit '" & SetWebEdit & "' Value from Application is '" & CStr(sWebEditContent) & "' is edited Sucessfully.")

Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_FAIL, "Operate Web Edit in Table ", "Web Edit '" & SetWebEdit & "' Value from Application is '" & CStr(sWebEditContent) & "' is not edited Sucessfully.")

End If
Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_WARNING, "Operate Web Edit in Table ", "Web Edit '" & SetWebEdit & "' in table at " & CStr(sRow) & ", Column " & CStr(sCol) & " is not found .")
End If

End Sub

Sub FrameImageClick(sBrowserName, sPageName, sFrame, sImgName,iTestNo)

' method: FrameImageClick
' returns: None
' parameter: sImgName
' notes: This will clicks on the given image link in the Frame/page/application.


If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).frame("name:=" & sFrame).Image("name:=" & sImgName, "html tag:=IMG").Exist Then
Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).frame("name:=" & sFrame).Image("name:=" & sImgName, "html tag:=IMG").Click
Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_PASS, "Frame Image Click", "Image '" & sImgName & "' is Clicked Sucessfully.")

Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_FAIL, "Frame Image Click", "Image '" & sImgName & "' is not found")
End If

End Sub
Sub SelectFrameRadioButton(sBrowserName, sPageName, sFrame, sName, iOption,iTestNo)

' method: SelectFrameRadioButton
' returns: None
' parameter: sFrame.
' notes: It will selects radio button in a Frame

If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).frame("name:=" & sFrame).WebRadioGroup("html tag:=INPUT", "name:=" & sName).Exist Then
Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).frame("name:=" & sFrame).WebRadioGroup("html tag:=INPUT", "name:=" & sName).Select iOption
Reporter.ReportEvent MicPass, "Select Radio Button in Frame", sName & "is exist and option is selected."
Reporter.ReportEvent MicFail, "Select Radio Button in Frame", sName & "not exists and option not selected."
End If
End Sub

Sub VerifyTextIsNotPresent(sBrowserName, sPageName, sTableName, sExpTitle,iTestNo)

' method: VerifyTextIsNotPresent(sBrowserName,sPageName,sTableName,sActualTitle)
' returns: Returns Title/caption of the Page
' parameter: sBrowserName sTableName: Name of Table
' parameter: sActualTitle: Title of the page under testing
' notes: Verifies the Expected title of the Page

Dim oDesc
Dim sTitle


If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebTable(sTableName).Exist Then
stext = Trim(Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebTable(sTableName).GetROProperty("innertext"))
If InStr(stext, sExpTitle) = 0 Then
Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_PASS, "Verify Text ", "Expected Text '" & sExpTitle & "' is not displayed on the page.")
Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_FAIL, "Verify Text ", "Expected Text '" & sExpTitle & "' is displayed on the page.")
End If
Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_FAIL, "Verify Text ", "Web Table '" & sTableName & "' doesn't exist.")
End If

End Sub

Sub GetRowCount(sBrowserName, sPageName, sTableName,iTestNo)
' method: GetRowCount ()
' returns: Return Specific Table Row count
' parameter: sTableName : Name of the Table in that perticualr Page and Browser
' notes: This is used to get number of rows in the Table

Dim iRows


If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebTable(sTableName).Exist Then
iRows = Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebTable(sTableName).GetROProperty("rows")
GetRowCount = iRows
Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_PASS, "Get Row Count ", "WebTable '" & sTableName & "' has " & "No. of Rows " & CStr(iRows) & ".")

Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_FAIL, "Get Row Count ", "WebTable '" & sTableName & "' doesn't Exists.")

End If

End Sub

Sub VerifyValueNotFoundInWebList(sBrowserName, sPageName, sListName, sValue,iTestNo)

' method: VerifyValueNotFoundInWebList ()
' returns: Pass If not Found
' parameter: sListName : Name of the List Object
' parameter: sValue : Value Should not exist in the List
' notes: This is used to Verify Value Should not exist in the List

Dim sListValue

sListValue = GetWebListItems(sBrowserName, sPageName, sWebListName,iTestNo)

If InStr(sListValue, sValue) <> 0 Then
Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_FAIL, "Verify Value Not Found In WebList", "WebList '" & CStr(sWebListName) & "' Value '" & CStr(sListValue) & "' is found.")

Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_PASS, "Verify Value Not Found In WebList", "WebList '" & CStr(sWebListName) & "' Value '" & CStr(sListValue) & "' is not found.")

End If

End Sub

Sub SelectDifferentListValue(sBrowserName, sPageName, sWebListName,iTestNo)
' method: SelectDifferentListValue (sBrowserName,sPageName,sListName)
' returns: Selects Different Value from the List
' parameter: sListName : Name of the List Object
' notes: This is used to Select Different Value from the list object

Dim iSelIndex, iCount, sListValue

If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebList("name:=" & sWebListName, "html tag:=SELECT", "index:=" & iIndex).Exist Then
iSelIndex = Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebList("name:=" & sWebListName, "html tag:=SELECT", "index:=" & iIndex).Object.selectedIndex
iCount = Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebList("name:=" & sWebListName, "html tag:=SELECT", "index:=" & iIndex).GetROProperty("items count")

If (iSelIndex = 0) Then
iSelIndex = iSelIndex + 1
ElseIf (iSelIndex = (iCount - 1)) Then
iSelIndex = iSelIndex - 1
iSelIndex = iSelIndex + 1
End If
iSelIndex = iSelIndex + 1
sListValue = Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebList("name:=" & sWebListName, "html tag:=SELECT", "index:=" & iIndex).GetItem(iSelIndex)
Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebList("name:=" & sWebListName, "html tag:=SELECT", "index:=" & iIndex).Select sListValue

Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_PASS, "Select Different List Value", "WebList '" & CStr(sWebListName) & "' Value '" & CStr(sListValue) & "' is selected.")

Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_FAIL, "Select Different List Value", "WebList '" & CStr(sWebListName) & "' does not exists.")

End If
End Sub

Sub VerifyCellData(sBrowserName, sPageName, sTableName, sRow, sCol, sData,iTestNo)

' method: VerifyCellData()
' returns: None
' parameter: sBrowserName,sPageName,sTableName,sRow,sCol
' parameter:
' notes: To verify the Specific cell data does not matched with expected cell having it row and col as parameters

Dim sCellData
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebTable(sTableName).Exist Then
sCellData = Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebTable(sTableName).GetCellData(sRow,sCol)
'msgbox Trim(sCellData)&"is Matched with"& Trim(sData)
If strcomp(Trim(cstr(sCellData)),Trim(cstr(sData)))= 0 Then
Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_PASS, "Verify CellData in WebTable", "Web Table '" & CStr(sTableName) & "' Value '" & CStr(sCellData) & "' is matched with Expected value '" & sData & "'.")
'Reporter.ReportEvent MicFail, "Verify Cell Data", "Expected data not existed in the Cell Expected Value of the Cell is : " & CStr(sData)
Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_FAIL, "Verify CellData in WebTable", "Web Table '" & CStr(sTableName) & "' Value '" & CStr(sCellData) & "' is not matched with Expected value '" & sData & "'.")
'Reporter.ReportEvent MicPass, "Verify Cell Data Expected" & CStr(sTableName), " Data is existed "
End If
Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_FAIL, "Verify CellData in WebTable", "Web Table '" & CStr(sTableName) & "' table is not found.")

End If

End Sub

Sub VerifyCellDataNotPresent(sBrowserName, sPageName, sTableName, sRow, sCol,iTestNo)

' method Used: GetCellData()
' method : VerifyCellDataNotPresent()
' returns: None
' parameter: sBrowserName,sPageName,sTableName,sRow,sCol
' parameter:
' notes: To verify the Specific cell data does not matched with expected cell having it row and col as parameters
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebTable(sTableName).Exist Then
VerifyCellDataNotPresent = Trim(Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebTable(sTableName).GetCellData(sRow, sCol))
If VerifyCellDataNotPresent <> "" Then
Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_PASS, "Verify CellData in WebTable", "Web Table '" & CStr(sTableName) & "' Value '" & CStr(GetCellData) & "' is not matched with Expected value '" & sData & "'.")

Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_FAIL, "Verify CellData not present in WebTable", "Web Table '" & CStr(sTableName) & "' Value '" & CStr(GetCellData) & "' is matched with Expected value '" & sData & "'.")
Reporter.ReportEvent MicPass, "Data from Web Table::" & CStr(sTableName), "Value is Empty from Cell ::" & CStr(sRow) & "," & CStr(sCol)
End If
Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_FAIL, "Verify CellData not present in WebTable", "Web Table '" & CStr(sTableName) & "' table is not found.")
Reporter.ReportEvent MicFail, "Data from Web Table :: " & CStr(sTableName), "No Table Found in Page."
End If
End Sub

Function CountCheckBoxInPage(sBrowserName, sPageName, sTreeName, iChkNum,iTestNo)

'notes: toCount and Select On for check Boxes in page with in the Limit

Dim arrCheckBox
Dim iCnt

Set arrCheckBox = Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).Object.all.tags("INPUT")
For Each Element In arrCheckBox
If Element.getAttribute("Type") = "checkbox" And Element.getAttribute("Name") = Trim(sChkName) Then
iCnt = iCnt + 1
End If
If Not iChkNum > iCnt Then
Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sBrowserName).WebCheckBox("name:=" & sChkName, "index:=" & iChkNum).Set "ON"
Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_PASS, "Set Multiple Check Boxes", "Check Box '" & sChkName & "' has made set 'ON' .")
Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_FAIL, "Set Multiple Check Boxes", "Check Boxes count '" & iChkNum & "' is exceeding the range .")
End If

End Function

Sub ClickJLButton(sBrowserName, sPageName, sButton_Name,iTestNo)

' method: ClickButton
' returns: None
' parameter: sType,sButton_Name,iIndx
' notes: It will clicks on the given button in the page/application.Button should be in OR

If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebButton(sButton_Name).Exist Then
'msgbox "Exists"
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Click on the button", " Name ' " & sButton_Name & "' found and clicked Sucessfully." )

Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Click on the button", " Name ' " & sButton_Name & "' not found to click." )

End If

End Sub
Sub ClickHtmlIDButton(sBrowserName, sPageName, sButton_Name,sHtmlID,iTestNo)

' method: ClickButton
' returns: None
' parameter: sType,sButton_Name,HtmlID
' notes: It will clicks on the given button in the page/application.Pass HtmlID for the button

If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebButton("html tag:=BUTTON","html id:= "&sHtmlID, "name:=" & sButton_Name, "type:=button").Exist Then

Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebButton("html tag:=BUTTON","html id:= "&sHtmlID, "name:=" & sButton_Name, "type:=button").Click
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Click on the button", " Name ' " & sButton_Name & "' found and clicked Sucessfully." )

Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Click on the button", " Name ' " & sButton_Name & "' not found to click." )

End If

End Sub

Sub ClickDIVWebElement(sBrowserName,sPageName,sWebElement_Name,iIndex,iTestNo) 'Check it once

' method: ClickWebElement
' returns: None
' parameter: sWebElement_Name Name of the Web Element to Click
' notes: It will Clicks on the given WebElement in the page/application.

'Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebElement("html tag:=DIV", "innertext:=" & sWebElement_Name,"index:= "&iIndex).highlight
' msgbox Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebElement("html tag:=DIV", "innertext:=" & sWebElement_Name,"index:= "&iIndex).Exist

If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebElement("html tag:=DIV", "innertext:=" & sWebElement_Name,"index:= "&iIndex).Exist Then
Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebElement("html tag:=DIV", "innertext:=" & sWebElement_Name,"index:= "&iIndex).Click
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS," Click on WebElement ","Name '" &sWebElement_Name &"' WebElement is clicked Sucessfully.")

Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL," Click on WebElement ","Name '" &sWebElement_Name &"' not found to click.")

End If

End Sub

Sub ClickTableGenLink_OR(sBrowserName, sPageName, sTableName, sRow, sCol,iTestNo)

' method: ClickTableLink()
' returns:
' parameter: sRow,sCol : Row &Col ,sInnertext
' parameter:
' notes: To CLick the Link in the Table. Table should be under OR.
Dim SetLink

If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebTable(sTableName).Exist Then

bLinkexist = Trim(Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebTable(sTableName).ChildItemCount(sRow,sCol,"Link"))
'msgbox Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebTable(sTableName).GetCellData(sRow, sCol)

'msgbox "Link Exist:"&bLinkexist

Set SetLink = Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebTable(sTableName).ChildItem(sRow, sCol,"Link",0)


SetLinkName = Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebTable(sTableName).GetCellData(sRow, sCol)

Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_PASS, "Click Link in a Table ", "Link '" & SetLinkName & "' in table at " & CStr(sRow) & ", Column " & CStr(sCol) & " is clicked Successfully .")

Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_FAIL, "Click Link in a Table ", "Web Table '" & CStr(sTableName) & "' not found in a given Page :" & CStr(sPageName) & ".")

End If
End Sub

Function SelectData_OR(sBrowserName, sPageName, sListName, sValue, iTestNo)

' method: SelectData
' returns: None
' parameter: sListName,sValue
' notes: This will selects given value from the given list box

Dim stext, bListItemFound, sDisplayedListItems, iItem, iItemsCount

bListItemFound = False


'check for the required weblist
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebList(sListName).Exist Then
'check whether the weblist is in enabled state
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebList(sListName).GetROProperty("disabled") = FCR_ZERO Then
'retrieve the items from the list
iItemsCount = Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebList(sListName).GetROProperty("items count")

'in the list
For iItem = 1 To iItemsCount
'get the list item present at iItem position
stext = Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebList(sListName).GetItem(iItem)
'stext1=UCase(Replace(stext," ",""))
'compare the value from the list with that of the user required
If Trim(stext) = Trim(sValue) Then
'select the required item
Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebList(sListName).Select stext
'make necessary report event
Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_PASS, "Select data from ComboList", " Name '" & sListName & "' exist and '" & sValue & "' data is selected successfully.")

bListItemFound = True
Exit For
End If
Else 'if weblist is in disabled state

Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_FAIL, "Select data from ComboList", " Name '" & sListName & "' is not enabled to select.")
Exit Function
End If 'check for the weblist state

'if required item is not found in the list
If Not bListItemFound Then

sDisplayedListItems = Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebList(sListName).GetROProperty("all items")
'display available list items
Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_DONE, "Select data from ComboList", "Items in the list '" & sListName & "' are '" & sDisplayedListItems & "'")

'make necessary report event
Call GenerateTestStatus(TestCase_ID, FCR_FAIL, "Select data from ComboList", "Combo List '" & sListName & "' exist and '" & sValue & "' is not available to select ")
End If 'check for the existence of the list item

Else 'if the list is not available
'make necessary report event
Call GenerateTestStatus(TestCase_ID, FCR_FAIL, "Select data from ComboList", "Combo List '" & sListName & "' doesn't exist to select '" & sValue & "'")

End If 'check for the weblist existence in the application

End Function

'**************** Added on 21 Aug ****************************

Sub InputDate( sBrowserName,sPageName,sExpDate,iTestNo)

Dim iYrDiff,iMonDiff,sDateLinkName

iYrDiff = Year(Now) - Year(sExpDate)
iMonDiff =Month (Now) - Month(sExpDate)
sDateLinkName = day(sExpDate)
'iIndex = FCR_NULL
'msgbox Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).Exist
'msgbox Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).Image("file name:="&FCR_TB_PRMPT_CALENDR_IMG,"html tag:=IMG","html id:="&sImgHtmlId,"index:=" & iIndex).exist

'Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).Image("file name:="&FCR_TB_PRMPT_CALENDR_IMG,"html tag:=IMG","html id:="&sImgHtmlId,"index:=" & iIndex).highlight

If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).Image("file name:="&FCR_TB_PRMPT_CALENDR_IMG,"html tag:=IMG","html id:="&sImgHtmlId,"index:=" & iIndex).Exist Then
Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).Image("file name:="&FCR_TB_PRMPT_CALENDR_IMG,"html tag:=IMG","html id:="&sImgHtmlId,"index:=" & iIndex).Click

Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Click on the Image ", " Name ' " & sImgFileName & "' and clicked successfully." )

Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Click on the Image ", " Name ' " & sImgFileName & "' not found to click." )

End If
'Call ImageClick_NOR(sBrowserName,sPageName,sImgFileName,iTestNo)
'Call ImageClick(sBrowserName,sPageName,FCR_TB_PRMPT_CALENDR_IMG,FCR_NULL,iTestNo)
'Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).Image("file name:=calendar.jpg " , "html tag:=IMG").Click
If iYrDiff > FCR_ZERO Then
For iYrCntr = 1 to iYrDiff
'Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).Image("file name:="&FCR_TB_PRMPT_CALENDR_PREVYR_IMG , "html tag:=IMG", "index:="&iIndex).Click
Call ImageClick(sBrowserName,sPageName,FCR_TB_PRMPT_CALENDR_PREVYR_IMG,FCR_NULL,iTestNo)
End if
if iYrDiff < FCR_ZERO then
For iCntr = 1 to abs( iYrDiff)
'Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).Image("file name:=nextyear.gif" , "html tag:=IMG", "index:="&iIndex).Click
Call ImageClick(sBrowserName,sPageName, FCR_TB_PRMPT_CALENDR_NXTYR_IMG, FCR_NULL,iTestNo)
End if
If iMonDiff > FCR_ZERO Then
For iMonCntr = 1 to iMonDiff
'Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).Image("file name:="&FCR_TB_PRMPT_CALENDR_PREVMON_IMG , "html tag:=IMG", "index:=").Click
Call ImageClick(sBrowserName,sPageName,FCR_TB_PRMPT_CALENDR_PREVMON_IMG, FCR_NULL,iTestNo)
End if
if iMonDiff < FCR_ZERO then
For iCntr = 1 to abs( iMonDiff)

'Msgbox Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).Image("file name:=nextmonth.gif","html tag:=IMG", "index:=").Exist
'Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).Image("file name:=nextmonth.gif","html tag:=IMG", "index:=").Click
Call ImageClick(sBrowserName,sPageName, FCR_TB_PRMPT_CALENDR_NXTMON_IMG,FCR_NULL,iTestNo)
End if
'Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).Link("html tag:=A", index:=","name:=" &sDateLinkName).Click
Call ClickLink(sBrowserName,sPageName, FCR_NULL, sDateLinkName,FCR_NULL,iTestNo)

End Sub

Function NodeStatus(sBrowserName, sPageName,sHtmlId,iIndex,iTestNo)

' method: NodeStatus
' returns: None
' parameter: sImgFileName,sHtmlId iIndex
' notes: This will return the value for property of image file name in the page/application.
'Probably used most of the time as a preCheck for ImageHtmlIdClick


If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).Image("html tag:=IMG", "html id:=" & sHtmlId,"index:="&iIndex).Exist Then
'Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).Image("html tag:=IMG", "html id:=" & sHtmlId,"index:="&iIndex).highlight

sImgFileName =Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).Image("html tag:=IMG", "html id:=" & sHtmlId,"index:="&iIndex).GetRoProperty("file name")
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_DONE, "Get Node Status ", " Name ' " & sImgFileName & "'is Exists." )

Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_WARNING, "Get Node Status ", " Name ' " & sImgFileName & "' is not Exists" )

End If
NodeStatus = sImgFileName
'Msgbox sImgFileName

End Function

Sub ImageHtmlIdClick(sBrowserName, sPageName, sImgFileName,sHtmlId,iTestNo)

' method: ImageHtmlIdClick
' returns: None
' parameter: sImgFileName,sHtmlId iIndex
' notes: This will clicks on the given image link in the page/application.


If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).Image("file name:= " & sImgFileName, "html tag:=IMG", "html id:=" & sHtmlId,"index:="&iIndex).Exist Then
Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).Image("file name:= " & sImgFileName, "html tag:=IMG", "html id:=" & sHtmlId,"index:="&iIndex).Highlight
Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).Image("file name:= " & sImgFileName, "html tag:=IMG", "html id:=" & sHtmlId,"index:="&iIndex).click

Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Click on the Image ", " Name ' " & sImgFileName & "' and clicked successfully." )

Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Click on the Image ", " Name ' " & sImgFileName & "' not found to click." )

End If

End Sub

Sub ObjectExists_HtmlID(sBrowserName, sPageName, sButton_Name,sHtmlID,sObjectType,iTestNo)

' method: ObjectExists_HtmlIDButton()
' returns: None
' parameter: sObjectName: Name of the object which to be verified.
' parameter: sObjectType: Type of the object can be verified are :-
' notes: This function verifies whether passed object as input is found or not.

Dim sTitle

Select Case sObjectType

Case "WebButton":


If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebButton("html tag:=BUTTON","html id:= "&sHtmlID, "name:=" & sButton_Name, "type:=button","index:=" & iIndex).Exist Then
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Verify Object based on HtmlID ", "Name'" & sButton_Name & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is existed." )
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Verify Object based on HtmlID ", "Name'" & sButton_Name & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is not existed." )
End If
End Select

End Sub

Sub VerifyTextInWBElt(sBrowserName, sPageName,sWBEltName,sExpTitle,iTestNo)

' method: VerifyTextInWBElt()
' returns: None
' parameter: sBrowserName sWBEltName: Innertext of WBElement
'(Ex: if innertext as "ActualWhole" has to be passed instead of orginal "ActualWhole Number (no decimals)"
' parameter: sExpTitle-Expected Title of the page which to be tested
' notes: Verifies the Expected Title of the page which to be tested

Dim oDesc
Dim sTitle

'msgbox Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).Exist
'msgbox Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebElement("innertext:="&sWBEltName &".*","class:="&sWBELTClass,"index:="&iIndex).Exist

If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebElement("innertext:="&sWBEltName &".*","class:="&sWBELTClass,"index:="&iIndex).Exist Then
stext = Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebElement("innertext:="&sWBEltName &".*","class:="&sWBELTClass,"index:="&iIndex).GetROProperty("innertext")
' msgbox stext
If InStr(LCase(stext), LCase(sExpTitle)) <> 0 Then

Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Verify text in Page", "'"& sExpTitle & "' successfully verified on the page '"&sPageName&"'." )


Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Verify text in Page", "'"& sExpTitle & "' doesn't exist in Page." )

End If
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Verify text in page", " WebElement '" & sWBEltName & "' doesn't exist." )

End If

End Sub

Sub VerifyWebListItemNotFound(sBrowserName, sPageName, sWebListName,sExpItem,iTestNo)

' method: VerifyWebListDefaultValue(sBrowserName,sPageName,sWebListName)
' returns: None
' parameter: sWebListName as Name of the WebEdit to Verify the Default Value
' parameter: sString as Value of the WebEdit to Verify Default item
' notes: This is used to Verify Default item of a Web List in Page

'Dim sExpItem

'msgbox Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).Exist
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebList("name:=" & sWebListName, "html tag:=SELECT", "index:=" & iIndex).Exist Then
sWebListState = VerifyWebListState(sBrowserName, sPageName, sWebListName,iIndex,iTestNo)

if (Trim(sWebListState) = 0) Then
iItemsCount = Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebList("name:=" &sWebListName,"html tag:=SELECT", "index:=" & iIndex).GetROProperty("items count")

For iItem = 1 To iItemsCount
'get the list item present at iItem position
stext = Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebList("name:=" & sWebListName, "html tag:=SELECT", "index:=" & iIndex).GetItem(iItem)

If StrComp(LCase(stext), LCase(sExpItem),vbTextComapre) = 0 Then

bStatus = false
Exit for
bStatus = true
'Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Verify item value not in Web List ", "The List Items from WebList '"&sWebListName &"' doesn't contains expected item " & CStr(sExpItem)&".")
End If

If bStatus Then

' Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verfiy weeb list item ","The List Items from WebList '"&sWebListName &"' doesn't contains expected item " & CStr(sExpItem)&"."

Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Verify item value not in Web List ", "The List Items from WebList doesn't contains expected item " & CStr(sExpItem)&".")

'Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Verfiy weeb list item ","The List Items from WebList '"&sWebListName &"' contains expected item " & CStr(sExpItem)&"."

Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL,"Verify item value not in Web List", "The List Items from WebList '"&sWebListName &"' contains expected item " & CStr(sExpItem)&".")
End If
'Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Verfiy web list item ","The List Items from WebList is in disabled state."
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL,"Verify item value not in Web List", "The WebList " & CStr(sWebListName) &" is in disabled state.")
End if
'Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verfiy weeb list item ","The WebList is not available."
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL,"Verify item value not in Web List ", "Name '" & CStr(sWebListName)&"'Doesn't Exists in Page.")
End If
End Sub
Sub VerifyTextInWBElt_JL(sBrowserName, sPageName,sWBEltName,sExpTitle,iTestNo)

' method: VerifyTextInWBElt_JL()
' returns: None
' parameter: sBrowserName sWBEltName: Innertext of WBElement
'(Ex: if innertext as "ActualWhole" has to be passed instead of orginal "ActualWhole Number (no decimals)"
' parameter: sExpTitle-Expected Title of the page which to be tested
' notes: Verifies the Expected Title of the page which to be tested

Dim oDesc
Dim sTitle

'msgbox Browser("creationtime:=1","name:="&sBrowserName).Page("title:="&sPageName).Exist
'msgbox Browser("creationtime:=1","name:="&sBrowserName).Page("title:="&sPageName).WebElement("innertext:="&sWBEltName &".*","class:="&sWBELTClass,"index:="&iIndex).Exist

If Browser("creationtime:=1","name:="&sBrowserName).Page("title:="&sPageName).WebElement("innertext:="&sWBEltName &".*","class:="&sWBELTClass,"index:="&iIndex).Exist Then
stext = Browser("creationtime:=1","name:="&sBrowserName).Page("title:="&sPageName).WebElement("innertext:="&sWBEltName &".*","class:="&sWBELTClass,"index:="&iIndex).GetROProperty("innertext")
' msgbox stext
If InStr(LCase(stext), LCase(sExpTitle)) <> 0 Then

Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Verify text in Page", "'"& sExpTitle & "' successfully verified on the page '"&sPageName&"'." )


Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Verify text in Page", "'"& sExpTitle & "' doesn't exist in Page." )

End If
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Verify text in page", " WebElement '" & sWBEltName & "' doesn't exist." )

End If

End Sub

Function VerifyWebListState(sBrowserName, sPageName, sWebListName, iIndex,iTestNo)

' method: VerifyWebListState()
' notes: This is to retrieve the Disabled Property of an Web Edit Based on Index
' parameter: sWebEditName as Name of the Web Edit ,iIndex : Number of the WEeb Edit in Page

Dim sWebWebEditState
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebList("name:=" & sWebListName, "html tag:=SELECT", "index:=" & iIndex).Exist then

sWebListState = Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebList("name:=" & sWebListName, "html tag:=SELECT", "index:=" & iIndex).GetROProperty("disabled")
If (Trim(sWebListState) = 0) Then

Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS," Check WebList State ","Name '" &sWebListName &"' is in enabled State.")

Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL," Check WebList State ","Name '" &sWebListName &"' is in disabled State.")

End If

Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL," Check WebList State ","Name '" &sWebListName &"' doesn't exists.")
End If
VerifyWebListState = sWebListState
End Function

Sub VerifyChartFeildOrder(sBrowserName, sPageName,sWebTable,sRow,sCol,sFirstFeild,sSecFeild,sThirdFeild,iTestNo)

' method: VerifyWebListState()
' notes: This is to retrieve the Disabled Property of an Web Edit Based on Index
' parameter: sWebEditName as Name of the Web Edit ,iIndex : Number of the WEeb Edit in Page
ReDim sArr(4)
sArr(1) = sFirstFeild
sArr(2) = sSecFeild
sArr(3) = sThirdFeild

Dim sWebWebEditState
'msgbox Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebTable(sWebTable).Exist
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebTable(sWebTable).Exist then

sText = Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebTable(sWebTable).GetCellData(sRow,sCol)
'msgbox sText
sFeilds= Split(sText,"/")
'msgbox sFeilds(3)&"--"
If (Trim(sText) <> "") Then
For iChk = 1 to 3
'msgbox iChk & sFeilds(iChk)
If Strcomp(trim(LCase(sFeilds(iChk))),trim(LCase(sArr(iChk))),vbTextCompare )= 0 Then
bStatus = true
bStatus = false
End if

If bStatus Then
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS," Verify Feild Sequence ","The sequence order for feild '"& sText & "' is matched in the Page.")
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL," Verify Feild Sequence ","The sequence order for feild '"& sText & "' is not matched in the Page.")
End If

Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL," Verify Feild Sequence ","The sequence order for feild which u wanted to verify is Empty.")
End if
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL," Verify Feild Sequence ","The feild doesn't Exists in the Page.")
End if
End Sub


Sub OperateTableCheckBoxNOR(sBrowserName, sPageName, sInnertext,sRow, sCol, sOperation,iTestNo)

' method: OperateTableCheckBoxNOR
' returns: None
' parameter: sTableName,iIndex
' parameter: sRow,sCol as Row &Col to Select/Deselect any Check Box of a Table
' notes: Selection of Check box in the Specified table is option made ON/OFF .
' Notes: No need to keep in object repository

Dim SetCheckBox
'msgbox Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebTable("innertext:="&sInnertext).Exist
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebTable("innertext:="&sInnertext).Exist Then
sWebChkboxexist = Trim(Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebTable("innertext:="&sInnertext).ChildItemCount(sRow, sCol, "WebCheckBox"))
'msgbox "Existence:"& sWebChkboxexist
If sWebChkboxexist = 1 Then
Set SetCheckBox = Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebTable("innertext:="&sInnertext).ChildItem(sRow, sCol, "WebCheckBox", 0)

SetCheckBox.Set sOperation
sCheckBox = Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebTable("innertext:="&sInnertext).GetCellData(sRow, sCol)
'Msgbox "Check Box '" & sCheckBox & "' in table at Row" & CStr(sRow) & ", Column " & CStr(sCol) & " is made "&sOperation&"."
Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_PASS, "Operate Check Box in Table ", "Check Box '" & sCheckBox & "' in table at Row" & CStr(sRow) & ", Column " & CStr(sCol) & " is made "&sOperation&".")

'Msgbox "Check Box '" & sCheckBox & "' in table at " & CStr(sRow) & ", Column " & CStr(sCol) & " is not found."
Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_WARNING, "Operate Check Box in Table ", "Check Box '" & sCheckBox & "' in table at " & CStr(sRow) & ", Column " & CStr(sCol) & " is not found.")

End If
'Msgbox "Web Table '" & CStr(sTableName) & "' not found in a given Page :" & CStr(sPageName) & "."
Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_FAIL, "Operate Check Box in Table ", "Web Table '" & CStr(sTableName) & "' not found in a given Page :" & CStr(sPageName) & ".")

End If
End Sub

Sub EnterOCSCriteria(sBrowserName,sPageName,sInnertext,sRow,sCol,sChkOperation,sMoveBttn,sOkLink,iTestNo)

' method: EnterData
' returns: None
' parameter: sEdName,sValue
' notes: This will enter the given data in the given text box

'Msgbox Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).Exist
'Msgbox Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebTable("innertext:="&sInnertext,"index:="&iIndex).Exist

If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebTable("innertext:="&sInnertext,"index:="&iIndex).Exist Then
sWebChkboxexist = Trim(Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebTable("innertext:="&sInnertext,"index:="&iIndex).ChildItemCount(sRow, sCol, "WebCheckBox"))
'msgbox "Existence:"& sWebChkboxexist
'If sWebChkboxexist = 1 Then
Set SetCheckBox = Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebTable("innertext:="&sInnertext,"index:="&iIndex).ChildItem(sRow, sCol,"WebCheckBox", 0)

SetCheckBox.Set sChkOperation

''msgbox "SetCheckBox: "& SetCheckBox
'SetCheckBox.Set sChkOperation
sCheckBox = Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebTable("innertext:="&sInnertext,"index:="&iIndex).GetCellData(sRow, sCol)
'Msgbox "Check Box '" & sCheckBox & "' in table at Row" & CStr(sRow) & ", Column " & CStr(sCol) & " is made "&sChkOperation&"."
Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_PASS, "Operate Check Box in Table ", "Check Box '" & sCheckBox & "' in table at Row" & CStr(sRow) & ", Column " & CStr(sCol) & " is made "&sChkOperation&".")

' Else
'Msgbox "Check Box '" & sCheckBox & "' in table at " & CStr(sRow) & ", Column " & CStr(sCol) & " is not found."
'Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_WARNING, "Operate Check Box in Table ", "Check Box '" & sCheckBox & "' in table at " & CStr(sRow) & ", Column " & CStr(sCol) & " is not found.")

'End If
'Msgbox "Web Table '" & CStr(sTableName) & "' not found in a given Page :" & CStr(sPageName) & "."
Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_FAIL, "Operate Check Box in Table ", "Web Table '" & CStr(sTableName) & "' not found in a given Page :" & CStr(sPageName) & ".")

End If
wait 3
If sMoveBttn <> "" then
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebButton("name:="&sMoveBttn).Exist Then

'msgbox sMoveBttn&"Exists"
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Click on the button", " Name ' " & sMoveBttn & "' found and clicked Sucessfully." )

Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Click on the button", " Name ' " & sMoveBttn & "' not found to click." )

End If
End if
wait 2
If sOkLink <> "" then
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).Link("name:="&sOkLink,"html tag:=A").Exist Then

Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).Link("name:="&sOkLink,"html tag:=A").Click
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Click on the Link", " Name ' " & sOkLink & "' found and clicked Sucessfully." )

Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Click on the Link", " Name ' " & sOkLink & "' not found to click." )

End If
End if

End Sub

Function VerifyObjectNotExists(sBrowserName, sPageName, sObjectName, sObjectType,iTestNo)

' method: VerifyObjectNotExists()
' returns: Pass/Fail of the execution(0/1).
' parameter: sObjectName: Name of the object which to be verified.
' parameter: sObjectType: Type of the object can be verified are :-
' notes: This function verifies whether passed object as input is found or not.

Dim sTitle

Select Case sObjectType

Case "WebElement":

If not Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebElement(sObjectName).Exist Then
VerifyObjectNotExists = true

Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Verify Object ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is not existed." )

'Reporter.ReportEvent MicPass, "Verified Object ", " Test ID " & sTestID & "-" & sObjectType & "Name and Type " & sObjectName & " " & sObjectType & vbCrLf & " is not existed in the Page."
VerifyObjectNotExists = false
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Verify Object ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is existed in the Page." )
End If

Case "WebButton":

'msgbox Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).Exist
'msgbox Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebButton("html tag:=BUTTON", "name:=" & sObjectName, "type:=button", "index:=" & iIndex).Exist

If not Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebButton("html tag:=BUTTON", "name:=" & sObjectName, "type:=button", "index:=" & iIndex).Exist Then
VerifyObjectNotExists = true
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Verify Object ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is not existed in the Page" & CStr(sPageName) & ".")
VerifyObjectNotExists = false
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Verify Object ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is existed in the Page" & CStr(sPageName) & ".")
End If

Case "WebRadioGroup":

Dim iWebRadioButtonGroupItems


If not Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebRadioGroup("html tag:=INPUT", "name:=" & sObjectName, "index:=" & iIndex).Exist Then
VerifyObjectNotExists = true

Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Verify Object ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is not existed in the Page" & CStr(sPageName) & ".")
VerifyObjectNotExists = false
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Verify Object ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is existed in the Page" & CStr(sPageName) & ".")
End If

Case "WebCheckBox":

If not Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebCheckBox("index:=" & iIndex, "name:=" & sObjectName).Exist Then
VerifyObjectNotExists = true
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Verify Object ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is not existed in the Page" & CStr(sPageName) & ".")
VerifyObjectNotExists = false
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Verify Object ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is existed in the Page" & CStr(sPageName) & ".")
End If

Case "WebEdit":
If not Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebEdit("name:=" & sObjectName, "type:=text", "index:=" & iIndex).Exist Then
VerifyObjectNotExists = true
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Verify Object ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is not existed in the Page" & CStr(sPageName) & ".")
VerifyObjectNotExists = false
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Verify Object ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is existed in the Page" & CStr(sPageName) & ".")
End If

Case "Link":

If not Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).Link("html tag:=A", "text:=" & sObjectName, "index:=" & iIndex).Exist Then
VerifyObjectNotExists = true

Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Verify Object ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is not existed in the Page" & CStr(sPageName) & ".")
VerifyObjectNotExists = false
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Verify Object ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is existed in the Page" & CStr(sPageName) & ".")
End If

Case "WebList":

If not Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebList("name:=" & sObjectName, "html tag:=SELECT", "index:=" & iIndex).Exist Then
VerifyObjectNotExists = true
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Verify Object ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is not existed in the Page" & CStr(sPageName) & ".")
VerifyObjectNotExists = false
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Verify Object ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is existed in the Page" & CStr(sPageName) & ".")
End If

Case "Image":


If not Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).Image(sObjectName).Exist Then
VerifyObjectNotExists = true
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Verify Object ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is not existed in the Page" & CStr(sPageName) & ".")
VerifyObjectNotExists = false
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Verify Object ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is existed in the Page" & CStr(sPageName) & ".")
End If

Case "WebTable":


If not Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebTable(sObjectName).Exist Then
VerifyObjectNotExists = true
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Verify Object ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is not existed in the Page" & CStr(sPageName) & ".")
VerifyObjectNotExists = false

Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Verify Object ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is existed in the Page" & CStr(sPageName) & ".")
End If

Case "Browser":

If not Browser(sBrowserName).Exist Then
VerifyObjectNotExists = true
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Verify Object ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is not existed .")

VerifyObjectNotExists = false
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Verify Object ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is existed .")
End If

Case "Dialog":

If not Browser(sBrowserName).Dialog(sPageName).Exist Then

VerifyObjectNotExists = true
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Verify Object ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is not existed in the Page" & CStr(sPageName) & ".")
VerifyObjectNotExists = false
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Verify Object ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is existed in the Page" & CStr(sPageName) & ".")
End If

Case "WinButton":

If not Browser(sBrowserName).Dialog(sPageName).WinButton("text:=" & sObjectName).Exist Then
VerifyObjectNotExists = true
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Verify Object ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is not existed in the Page" & CStr(sPageName) & ".")
VerifyObjectNotExists = false
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Verify Object ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is existed in the Page" & CStr(sPageName) & ".")
End If

End Select

End Function

Function VerifyDisplayText(sBrowserName,strTagName,strMessage,iTestNo)

' method: VerifyDisplayText()
' returns: Pass/Fail of the execution(0/1).
' parameter: strTagName: Name of the Html Tag which to be verified.
' parameter: strMessage: Expected string which to be verified is passed

' notes: This function verifies whether string passed as input is found or not.
Dim i
bFound = "False"
Set objHTMLDoc = Browser("name:="& sBrowserName).Object.Document
Set colTags = objHTMLDoc.GetElementsByTagName(strTagName)
iCount = colTags.length
For i = 0 to iCount - 1 Step 1
'Chekc for the message
'Msgbox UCase(trim(colTags.Item(i).innertext))& "is Checked with" &UCase(trim(strMessage))
'If UCase(trim(colTags.Item(i).innertext))= UCase(trim(strMessage)) Then
If strcomp(UCase(trim(colTags.Item(i).innertext)),UCase(trim(strMessage)))=0 Then
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Verify text in Page", "Verified '"& strMessage &"' message successfully on the page'"&sBrowserName&"' .")
bFound = "True"
'VerifyDisplayText = True
Exit For
End If

'Msgbox bFound &"after next:"
If Not bFound Then
'Msgbox bFound &"inside the Not block"
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Verify text in Page", "Verified '"& strMessage &"' message not found on the page'"&sBrowserName&"' .")
'VerifyDisplayText = "False"
'Exit Function

End If

Set colTags = Nothing
Set objHTMLDoc = Nothing
VerifyDisplayText = bFound

End Function

Sub VerifyCheckBoxState(sBrowserName, sPageName, sObjectName, sState,iTestNo)

' method: VerifyCheckBoxState()
' Notes: This is to verify the given state is set in the check box
' parameter: sObjectName : Name of the WebCheckBox ,sState :Expected state of the check box

Dim sChked
'sChked = 1
'sNotChked = 0

If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebCheckBox("name:="&sObjectName).Exist Then

sWebCheckBoxState = Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebCheckBox("name:="&sObjectName).GetROProperty("checked")
If cint(sWebCheckBoxState) = 1Then
sStatus = "Checked"
sStatus = "UnChecked"
End If

If cint(sWebCheckBoxState) =cint(sState) Then

'Msgbox "Sucessfully verified for Name '"& sObjectName &"'is in " &sStatus & "state."
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS," Verify State of CheckBox ","Sucessfully verified for Name '"& sObjectName &"'is in " &sStatus & "state.")
'Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS," Verify State of CheckBox "," Sucessfully verified for Name '" sObjectName &"'is in the state:" &sWebCheckBoxState)
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL," Verify State of CheckBox "," Name '"& sObjectName &"'is in " &sStatus & "state.")

End If

Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL," Verify State of CheckBox ","Name '" &sObjectName &"' doesn't exists in the page.")
End If

End Sub

Sub VerifyRadioGroupState(sBrowserName, sPageName, sWebRadioGroupName, sExpRadioGroupState,iIndex,iTestNo)

' method: VerifySelectedRadiobutton()
' notes: This is to Verify the Name of the Radio Button Seleted or Not Selected
' parameter: sWebRadioGroupName as name of the Web Radio Group ,sWebRadioButtonName as name of the Radio Button to Verify

Dim bWebRadioGroupState

If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebRadioGroup("html tag:=INPUT", "name:=" & sWebRadioGroupName,"index:=&iIndex").Exist Then

bWebRadioGroupState = Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebRadioGroup("html tag:=INPUT", "name:=" & sWebRadioGroupName,"index:=&iIndex").GetROProperty("checked")

If cint(bWebRadioGroupState) = 1Then
sStatus = "Selected"
sStatus = "UnSelected"
End If

If StrComp(cint(bWebRadioGroupState),cint(sExpRadioGroupState)) = 0 Then
'Msgbox "Passed" & bWebRadioButtonState
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS," Check Radio Group state ","Name '" &sWebRadioGroupName &"' is in " &sStatus&" state .")

'Msgbox "Failed" & bWebRadioButtonState
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL," Check Radio Group state ","Name '" &sWebRadioGroupName &"' is in " &sStatus&" state .")
' Reporter.ReportEvent MicFail, " Verification of a NoN Selected Web Radio Button", "Name of the radio button Not Selected is :" & CStr(sWebRadioButtonName)
End If
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL," Check Radio Group state ","Name '" &sWebRadioGroupName &"'doesn't exist.")

End If

End Sub

Sub VerifyWebListItem(sBrowserName, sPageName, sWebListName,sExpCount,iItemIndx,sExpItem,iTestNo)

' method: VerifyWebListState()
' notes: This is to retrieve the Disabled Property of an Web Edit Based on Index
' parameter: sWebEditName as Name of the Web Edit ,iIndex : Number of the WEeb Edit in Page

If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebList("name:=" & sWebListName, "html tag:=SELECT", "index:=" & iIndex).Exist then
bWebListstate = Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebList("name:=" & sWebListName, "html tag:=SELECT", "index:=" & iIndex).GetRoProperty("disabled")
If bWebListstate = 0 Then

sWebListitemCount = Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebList("name:=" & sWebListName, "html tag:=SELECT", "index:=" & iIndex).GetRoProperty("items count")

If cstr(sExpCount) <> "" Then
If strComp(cStr(sWebListitemCount),cstr(sExpCount),vbTextCompare)= 0 Then
'Msgbox "Name '" &sWebListName &"' is matched with expected items count '"&sWebListitemCount&"'."
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS," Check WebList item ","Name '" &sWebListName &"' is matched with expected items count '"&sWebListitemCount&"'.")
'Msgbox "Name '" &sWebListName &"' is not matched with expected items count '"&sWebListitemCount&"'."
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS," Check WebList item ","Name '" &sWebListName &"' is not matched with expected items count '"&sWebListitemCount&"'.")
End If
End If

If cstr(iItemIndx) <> "" Then
sWebListitem = Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebList("name:=" & sWebListName,"html tag:=SELECT", "index:=" & iIndex).Getitem(cInt(iItemIndx))

If Strcomp(trim(LCase(sWebListitem)),trim(LCase(sExpItem)),vbTextCompare )= 0 Then
'Msgbox "Name '" &sWebListName &"' is matched is at expected index of Specified item"&iItemIndx
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS," Verify item in Web List ","Name '" &sWebListName &"' Item '"&sWebListitem &"' is at expected index of Specified item.")
'Msgbox "Name '" &sWebListName &"' isnot matched is at expected index of Specified item"&iItemIndx
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL," Verify item in Web List ","Name '" &sWebListName &"' Item '"&sWebListitem &"' is not at expected index of Specified item.")
End if
' it has to be updated for checking all the items if exist then return.

For iItem = 1 To sWebListitemCount
'get the list item present at iItem position
stext = Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebList("name:=" & sWebListName, "html tag:=SELECT", "index:=" & iIndex).GetItem(iItem)
If StrComp(LCase(stext), LCase(sExpItem),vbTextComapre) = 0 Then

bStatus = true
Exit for
End If

If bStatus Then

' msgbox "The List Items from WebList '"&sWebListName &"' contains expected item " & CStr(sExpItem)&"."
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Verify item in Web List ", "The List Items from WebList '"&sWebListName &"' contains expected item '" & CStr(sExpItem)&"' .")

'Msgbox "The List Items from WebList '"&sWebListName &"' doesn't contains expected item " & CStr(sExpItem)&"."
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL,"Verify item in Web List ", "The List Items from WebList '"&sWebListName &"' doesn't contains expected item '" & CStr(sExpItem)&"'.")
End If

End if
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL,"Verify item in Web List ","Name '" &sWebListName &"' is in disabled state.")
End If


Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL," Verify item in Web List ","Name '" &sWebListName &"' doesn't exists in the Page.")
End If

End Sub

Sub SendHotKeys(sValue)
Dim sData
If sValue <> "" Then
set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
'sValue = "1wert3"
strLen = len(sValue)
For iCnt = 1 to strLen
sData = Mid(sValue,iCnt,1)
WshShell.SendKeys sData
'Msgbox ss
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Send data through Hot Keys ", " Data '" & CStr(sData) & "' is entered in the Control." )
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Send data through Hot Keys ", " Data '" & CStr(sValue) & "' is empty to enter in the Control." )
End If

End Sub

Sub VarCalc(sBrowserName,sPageName,sTableName,sRow,sCol,sAmountType,iTestNo)
'msgbox iIndex

If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebTable("name:="&sTableName,"index:="&iIndex).Exist Then
sCellData = Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebTable("name:="&sTableName,"index:="&iIndex).GetCellData(sRow,sCol)
'msgbox sCellData
'GetCellData(sBrowserName, sPageName, sTableName, sRow, sCol,iTestNo)
sVarVal= Split(sCellData,"%")
sVarArr = Split(sVarVal(0)," ")
sVarArrCh = Mid(sVarArr(0),1,1)
If strComp(sVarArrCh,"(")= 0 Then

sVarArrOne = Mid(trim(sVarArr(0)),2,len(trim(sVarArr(0)))-2)
'msgbox sVarArrOne
sVarArrTwo = Mid(trim(sVarArr(1)),2,len(trim(sVarArr(1)))-2)
sCalcVal= cdbl(sVarArrOne) - cdbl(sVarArrTwo)
If strcomp(sCalcVal,"0",vbtextcompare)=0 Then
sCalcVal = "0.00"
sCalcVarPer = "0.0"
sCalcVarPer = sCalcVal/trim(sVarArr(2))*100
sCalcVarPer = Round(sCalcVarPer,1)
End If
' If strcomp(sCalcVarPer,"0",vbtextcompare)=0 Then
' sCalcVarPer = "0.0"
' End If
sCalcVal= trim(sVarArr(0)) - trim(sVarArr(1))
If strcomp(sCalcVal,"0",vbtextcompare)=0 Then
sCalcVal = "0.00"
sCalcVarPer = "0.0"
sCalcVarPer = cdbl(sCalcVal)/trim(sVarArr(2))*100
sCalcVarPer = Round(sCalcVarPer,1)
' If strcomp(sCalcVarPer,"0",vbtextcompare)=0 Then
' sCalcVarPer = "0.0"
End If
End If

If sCalcVal = trim(sVarArr(2)) Then
'Msgbox "Passed " & sCalcVal &"is matched with "&sVarArr(2)
Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_PASS, "Verify Variance Amount in Page", "The Expected Value '" & CStr(sCalcVal) & "' is matched with Actual value '" & sVarArr(2)& "'.")
'Msgbox "Failed " & sCalcVal &"is matched with "&sVarArr(2)
Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_FAIL, "Verify Variance Amount in Page", "The Expected Value '" & CStr(sCalcVal) & "' doesn't match with Actual value '" & sVarArr(2)& "'.")
End If
If sCalcVarPer = trim(sVarArr(3)) Then
'Msgbox "Passed " & sCalcVarPer &"is matched with "&sVarArr(3)
Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_PASS, "Verify Variance Percentage in Page", "The Expected Value '" & CStr(sCalcVarPer) & "' is matched with Actual value '" & sVarArr(3)& "'.")
'Msgbox "Failed " & sCalcVarPer &"is matched with "&sVarArr(3)
Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_FAIL, "Verify Variance Percentage in Page", "The Expected Value '" & CStr(sCalcVarPer) & "' doesn't match with Actual value '" & sVarArr(3)& "'.")
End If
Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_FAIL, "Verify CellData in WebTable", "Web Table '" & CStr(sTableName) & "' table is not found.")
End If
End Sub


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