Function InvokeApp(sBrowserType,sAppURL)
'method :InvokeApp(sBrowserType,sAppURL)
'returns :None
'parameter:bLogin: Start from login or not, 1 means login
'parameter:aLoginData: Consists user name and password
'parameter:sBrowserType: Browser type i.e IE for Internet Explorer, NS for Netscape Navigator
'parameter:sObjectType: Object type to navigate
'parameter:sObjectNames: Object names to further navigate
'notes :This function is to login and clicks the provided object.
Dim sObjectData
Dim iCount
'msgbox sAppURL
If ucase(sBrowserType) = "IE" Then
SystemUtil.Run "iexplore.exe",sAppURL
InvokeApp = "True"
InvokeApp = "False"
End If
End Function
Sub TestSettings(sORPath,sORFileName)
Dim App 'As Application
Set App = CreateObject("QuickTest.Application")
App.Test.Settings.Run.StartIteration = 1
App.Test.Settings.Run.EndIteration = 1
App.Test.Settings.Resources.ObjectRepositoryPath = sORPath&sORFileName
App.Test.Settings.Run.ObjectSyncTimeOut = 20000
App.Test.Settings.Web.BrowserNavigationTimeout = 10000
Set App = Nothing
End Sub
Function LoginInfo(sPath,sShtSrcID,iRow)
' Created : jai
' Created Date :08-08-07
' Modified Date:26-10-07
' method :LoginInfo()
' returns :Returns Array
' parameter :sPath,iRow
' notes :Returns Values from all the Columns based on specified row.
Dim pCount,iCnt
ReDim Info(100)
DataTable.ImportSheet sPath,sShtSrcID,2
pCount = DataTable.GetSheet(2).GetParameterCount
DataTable.SetCurrentRow iRow
For iCnt = 1 to pCount
Info(iCnt-1) = DataTable.Value(iCnt,2)
LoginInfo = Info
End Function
Function ModularInfo(sPath,sShtSrcID,iRow)
' Created: jai
' Created Date: 08-08-07
' method: LoginInfo()
' returns: Returns Array
' parameter: sPath,iRow
' notes: Returns Values from all the Columns based on specified row.
Dim pCount,iCnt
ReDim Info(100)
DataTable.ImportSheet sPath,sShtSrcID,2
pCount = DataTable.GetSheet(2).GetParameterCount
DataTable.SetCurrentRow iRow
For iCnt = 1 to pCount
Info(iCnt-1) = DataTable.Value(iCnt,2)
ModularInfo = Info
End Function
Sub GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo, sStatus,sReportEventStepName, sDetails)
Dim sEventStatus
Dim sResPath
Select Case UCase(sStatus)
Case "PASS"
sEventStatus= micPass
Reporter.ReportEvent sEventStatus,sReportEventStepName,"TestCase ID: "& iTestNo& VbCrLf &sDetails
Case "FAIL"
sEventStatus= micFail
Reporter.ReportEvent sEventStatus,sReportEventStepName,"TestCase ID: "& iTestNo& VbCrLf &sDetails
ExitRun("Script failed due to unexpected behaviour of Application")
Case "DONE"
sEventStatus= micDone
Reporter.ReportEvent sEventStatus,sReportEventStepName,"TestCase ID: "& iTestNo& VbCrLf &sDetails
sEventStatus= micWarning
Reporter.ReportEvent sEventStatus,sReportEventStepName,"TestCase ID: "& iTestNo& VbCrLf &sDetails
Case " "
sEventStatus= micWarning
Reporter.ReportEvent sEventStatus,sReportEventStepName,"TestCase ID: "& iTestNo& VbCrLf &sDetails
End Select
End Sub
Sub VerifyText(sBrowserName, sPageName, sTableName, sExpTitle,iTestNo)
' method: VerifyText()
' returns: None
' parameter: sBrowserName sTableName: Name of Table
' parameter: sExpTitle-Expected Title of the page which to be tested
' notes: Verifies the Expected Title of the page which to be tested
Dim oDesc
Dim sTitle
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebTable(sTableName).Exist Then
'msgbox Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebTable(sTableName).Exist
stext = Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebTable(sTableName).GetROProperty("innertext")
'msgbox stext & "is compared with" & sExpTitle
If InStr(LCase(stext), LCase(sExpTitle)) <> 0 Then
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Verify text in page", "'"& sExpTitle & "' successfully verified on the page '"&sPageName&"'." )
'Reporter.ReportEvent MicPass, "Verify text in page", "'"& sExpTitle & "' successfully verified on the page '"&sPageName&"'."
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Verify text in page", "'"& sExpTitle & "' doesn't exist." )
'Reporter.ReportEvent MicFail, "Verify text in page ", "" & sExpTitle & " doesn't exist."
End If
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Verify text in page", " Table '" & sTableName & "' doesn't exist." )
'Reporter.ReportEvent MicFail, "Verify text in page", " Table '" & sTableName & "' doesn't exist."
End If
End Sub
Function SelectData(sBrowserName, sPageName, sListName, sValue, iTestNo)
' method: SelectData
' returns: None
' parameter: sListName,sValue
' notes: This will selects given value from the given list box
Dim stext, bListItemFound, sDisplayedListItems, iItem, iItemsCount
bListItemFound = False
'MSgbox Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebList("name:=" & sListName, "html tag:=SELECT", "index:=" & iIndex).Exist
'check for the required weblist
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebList("name:=" & sListName, "html tag:=SELECT", "index:=" & iIndex).Exist Then
'check whether the weblist is in enabled state
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebList("name:=" & sListName, "html tag:=SELECT", "index:=" & iIndex).GetROProperty("disabled") = FCR_ZERO Then
'retrieve the items from the list
iItemsCount = Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebList("name:=" & sListName, "html tag:=SELECT", "index:=" & iIndex).GetROProperty("items count")
'in the list
For iItem = 1 To iItemsCount
'get the list item present at iItem position
stext = Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebList("name:=" & sListName, "html tag:=SELECT", "index:=" & iIndex).GetItem(iItem)
'stext1=UCase(Replace(stext," ",""))
'compare the value from the list with that of the user required
If Trim(stext) = Trim(sValue) Then
'select the required item
Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebList("name:=" & sListName, "html tag:=SELECT", "index:=" & iIndex).Select stext
'make necessary report event
Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_PASS, "Select data from ComboList", " Name '" & sListName & "' exist and '" & sValue & "' data is selected successfully.")
bListItemFound = True
Exit For
End If
Else 'if weblist is in disabled state
Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_FAIL, "Select data from ComboList", " Name '" & sListName & "' is not enabled to select.")
Exit Function
End If 'check for the weblist state
'if required item is not found in the list
If Not bListItemFound Then
sDisplayedListItems = Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebList("name:=" & sListName, "html tag:=SELECT", "index:=" & iIndex).GetROProperty("all items")
'display available list items
Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_DONE, "Select data from ComboList", "Items in the list '" & sListName & "' are '" & sDisplayedListItems & "'")
'make necessary report event
Call GenerateTestStatus(TestCase_ID, FCR_FAIL, "Select data from ComboList", "Combo List '" & sListName & "' exist and '" & sValue & "' is not available to select ")
End If 'check for the existence of the list item
Else 'if the list is not available
'make necessary report event
Call GenerateTestStatus(TestCase_ID, FCR_FAIL, "Select data from ComboList", "Combo List '" & sListName & "' doesn't exist to select '" & sValue & "'")
End If 'check for the weblist existence in the application
End Function
Sub ClickTableLink(sBrowserName, sPageName, sInnertext, sRow, sCol,iTestNo)
' method: ClickTableLink()
' returns:
' parameter: sRow,sCol : Row &Col ,sInnertext
' parameter:
' notes: To CLick the Link in the Table. Table is identified based on inner text but not on its anme
Dim SetLink
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebTable("innertext:="&sInnertext&".*","index:=1").Exist Then
bLinkexist = Trim(Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebTable("innertext:="&sInnertext&".*","index:=1").ChildItemCount(sRow, sCol, "Link"))
If bLinkexist = 1 Then
Set SetLink = Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebTable("innertext:="&sInnertext&".*","index:=1").ChildItem(sRow, sCol, "Link", 0)
SetLinkName = Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebTable("innertext:="&sInnertext&".*","index:=1").GetCellData(sRow, sCol)
Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_PASS, "Click Link in a Table ", "Link '" & SetLinkName & "' in table at " & CStr(sRow) & ", Column " & CStr(sCol) & " is clicked Successfully .")
Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_WARNING, "Click Link in a Table ", "Link '" & SetLinkName & "' in table at " & CStr(sRow) & ", Column " & CStr(sCol) & " is not found.")
End If
Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_FAIL, "Click Link in a Table ", "Web Table '" & CStr(sTableName) & "' not found in a given Page :" & CStr(sPageName) & ".")
End If
End Sub
Sub ClickLink_OR(sBrowserName, sPageName, sFrame, sLink_Name,iTestNo)
' method: ClickLink_OR
' returns: None
' parameter: sFrame,sLink_Name. The sFrame should be Null be if it has to click in Normal Page.
' notes: It will Clicks on the given link in the page/application.
' notes: The Link should be under the OR
If Trim(sFrame) <> "" Then
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).frame(sFrame).Link(sLink_Name).Exist Then
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Click on the link", " Name ' " & sLink_Name & "' found and clicked Sucessfully." )
Reporter.ReportEvent MicPass, "Click on the link" , " Name '" &sLink_Name & "' found and clicked Sucessfully."
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Click on the link", " Name ' " & sLink_Name & "' not found to click." )
End If
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).Link(sLink_Name).Exist Then
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Click on the link", " Name ' " & sLink_Name & "' found and clicked Sucessfully." )
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Click on the link", " Name ' " & sLink_Name & "' not found to click." )
'Reporter.ReportEvent MicFail, "Click on the link , name ", sLink_Name & " not found to click."
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub ClickButton(sBrowserName, sPageName, sButton_Name, iIndx,iTestNo)
' method: ClickButton
' returns: None
' parameter: sType,sButton_Name,iIndx
' notes: It will clicks on the given button in the page/application.
'Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebButton("html tag:=BUTTON", "name:=" & sButton_Name, "type:=button", "index:=" & iIndx).highlight
'Msgbox "Button:"&Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebButton("html tag:=BUTTON", "name:=" & sButton_Name, "type:=button", "index:=" & iIndx).Exist
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebButton("html tag:=BUTTON", "name:=" & sButton_Name, "type:=button", "index:=" & iIndx).Exist Then
Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebButton("html tag:=BUTTON", "name:=" & sButton_Name, "type:=button", "index:=" & iIndx).Click
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Click on the button", " Name ' " & sButton_Name & "' found and clicked Sucessfully." )
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Click on the button", " Name ' " & sButton_Name & "' not found to click." )
End If
End Sub
Sub ClickWebElement(sBrowserName,sPageName,sWebElement_Name,iIndex,iTestNo) 'Check it once
' method: ClickWebElement
' returns: None
' parameter: sWebElement_Name Name of the Web Element to Click
' notes: It will Clicks on the given WebElement in the page/application.
' Msgbox Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebElement("html tag:=TD", "innertext:=" & sWebElement_Name,"index:= "&iIndex).Exist
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebElement("html tag:=TD", "innertext:=" & sWebElement_Name,"index:= "&iIndex).Exist Then
Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebElement("html tag:=TD", "innertext:=" & sWebElement_Name,"index:= "&iIndex).Click
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS," Click on WebElement ","Name '" &sWebElement_Name &"' WebElement is clicked Sucessfully.")
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL," Click on WebElement ","Name '" &sWebElement_Name &"' not found to click.")
End If
End Sub
Sub ClickTableLink_OR(sBrowserName, sPageName, sTableName, sRow, sCol,iTestNo)
' method: ClickTableLink()
' returns:
' parameter: sRow,sCol : Row &Col ,sInnertext
' parameter:
' notes: To CLick the Link in the Table. Table should be under OR.
Dim SetLink
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebTable(sTableName).Exist Then
bLinkexist = Trim(Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebTable(sTableName).ChildItemCount(sRow, sCol, "Link"))
If bLinkexist = 1 Then
Set SetLink = Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebTable(sTableName).ChildItem(sRow, sCol, "Link", 0)
SetLinkName = Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebTable(sTableName).GetCellData(sRow, sCol)
Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_PASS, "Click Link in a Table ", "Link '" & SetLinkName & "' in table at " & CStr(sRow) & ", Column " & CStr(sCol) & " is clicked Successfully .")
Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_WARNING, "Click Link in a Table ", "Link '" & SetLinkName & "' in table at " & CStr(sRow) & ", Column " & CStr(sCol) & " is not found.")
End If
Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_FAIL, "Click Link in a Table ", "Web Table '" & CStr(sTableName) & "' not found in a given Page :" & CStr(sPageName) & ".")
End If
End Sub
Sub ClickButton_JL(sBrowserName, sPageName, sButton_Name, iIndx,iTestNo)
' method: ClickButton
' returns: None
' parameter: sType,sButton_Name,iIndx
' notes: It will clicks on the given button in the page/application.
'Msgbox "Button:"&Browser("creationtime:=1","name:="&sBrowserName).Page("title:="&sPageName).WebButton("html tag:=BUTTON", "name:=" & sButton_Name, "type:=button", "index:=" & iIndx).Exist
If Browser("creationtime:=1","name:="&sBrowserName).Page("title:="&sPageName).WebButton("html tag:=BUTTON", "name:=" & sButton_Name, "type:=button", "index:=" & iIndx).Exist Then
Browser("creationtime:=1","name:="&sBrowserName).Page("title:="&sPageName).WebButton("html tag:=BUTTON", "name:=" & sButton_Name, "type:=button", "index:=" & iIndx).Click
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Click on the button", " Name ' " & sButton_Name & "' found and clicked Sucessfully." )
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Click on the button", " Name ' " & sButton_Name & "' not found to click." )
End If
End Sub
Function ObjectExists(sBrowserName, sPageName, sObjectName, sObjectType,iTestNo)
' method: ObjectExists()
' returns: Pass/Fail of the execution(0/1).
' parameter: sObjectName: Name of the object which to be verified.
' parameter: sObjectType: Type of the object can be verified are :-
' notes: This function verifies whether passed object as input is found or not.
Dim sTitle
Select Case sObjectType
Case "WebElement":
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebElement(sObjectName).Exist Then
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Verify Object ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is existed." )
ObjectExists = "True"
'Reporter.ReportEvent MicPass, "Verified Object ", " Test ID " & sTestID & "-" & sObjectType & "Name and Type " & sObjectName & " " & sObjectType & vbCrLf & " is existed in the correct location."
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Verify Object ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is not existed." )
ObjectExists = "False"
End If
Case "WebButton":
'msgbox Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).Exist
'msgbox Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebButton("html tag:=BUTTON", "name:=" & sObjectName, "type:=button", "index:=" & iIndex).Exist
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebButton("html tag:=BUTTON", "name:=" & sObjectName, "type:=button", "index:=" & iIndex).Exist Then
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Verify Object ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is existed." )
ObjectExists = "True"
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Verify Object ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is not existed." )
ObjectExists = "False"
End If
Case "WebRadioGroup":
Dim iWebRadioButtonGroupItems
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebRadioGroup("html tag:=INPUT", "name:=" & sObjectName, "index:=" & iIndex).Exist Then
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Verify Object ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is existed." )
ObjectExists = "True"
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Verify Object ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is not existed." )
ObjectExists = "False"
End If
Case "WebCheckBox":
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebCheckBox("index:=" & iIndex, "name:=" & sObjectName).Exist Then
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Verify Object ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is existed." )
ObjectExists = "True"
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Verify Object ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is not existed." )
ObjectExists = "False"
End If
Case "WebEdit":
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebEdit("name:=" & sObjectName, "type:=text", "index:=" & iIndex).Exist Then
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Verify Object ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is existed." )
ObjectExists = "True"
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Verify Object ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is not existed." )
ObjectExists = "False"
End If
Case "Link":
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).Link("html tag:=A", "text:=" & sObjectName, "index:=" & iIndex).Exist Then
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Verify Object ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is existed." )
ObjectExists = "True"
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Verify Object ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is not existed." )
ObjectExists = "False"
End If
Case "WebList":
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebList("name:=" & sObjectName, "html tag:=SELECT", "index:=" & iIndex).Exist Then
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Verify Object ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is existed." )
ObjectExists = "True"
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Verify Object ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is not existed." )
ObjectExists = "False"
End If
Case "Image":
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).Image(sObjectName).Exist Then
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Verify Object ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is existed." )
ObjectExists = "True"
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Verify Object ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is not existed." )
ObjectExists = "False"
End If
Case "WebTable":
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebTable(sObjectName).Exist Then
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Verify Object ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is existed." )
ObjectExists = "True"
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Verify Object ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is not existed." )
ObjectExists = "False"
End If
Case "Browser":
If Browser(sBrowserName).Exist Then
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Verify Object ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is existed." )
ObjectExists = "True"
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Verify Object ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is not existed." )
ObjectExists = "False"
End If
Case "WinButton":
If Browser(sBrowserName).Dialog(sPageName).WinButton("text:=" & sObjectName).Exist Then
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Verify Object ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is existed." )
ObjectExists = "True"
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Verify Object ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is not existed." )
ObjectExists = "False"
End If
End Select
End Function
Sub ClickLink(sBrowserName, sPageName, sFrame, sLink_Name, iIndexLink,iTestNo)
' method: ClickLink
' returns: None
' parameter: sFrame,sLink_Name,iIndexLink. The sFrame should be Null be if it has to click in Normal Page.
' notes: It will Clicks on the given link in the page/application.
If Trim(sFrame) <> "" Then
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).frame(sFrame).Link("html tag:=A", "text:=" & sLink_Name, "index:=" & iIndexLink).Exist Then
Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).frame(sFrame).Link("html tag:=A", "text:=" & sLink_Name, "index:=" & iIndexLink).Click
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Click on the link", " Name ' " & sLink_Name & "' found and clicked Sucessfully." )
Reporter.ReportEvent MicPass, "Click on the link" , " Name '" &sLink_Name & "' found and clicked Sucessfully."
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Click on the link", " Name ' " & sLink_Name & "' not found to click." )
End If
'Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).Link("html tag:=A", "index:=" & iIndexLink, "name:=" & sLink_Name).Highlight
'msgbox Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).Link("html tag:=A", "index:=" & iIndexLink, "name:=" & sLink_Name).Exist
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).Link("html tag:=A", "index:=" & iIndexLink, "name:=" & sLink_Name).Exist Then
Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).Link("html tag:=A", "index:=" & iIndexLink, "name:=" & sLink_Name).Click
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Click on the link", " Name ' " & sLink_Name & "' found and clicked Sucessfully." )
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Click on the link", " Name ' " & sLink_Name & "' not found to click." )
'Reporter.ReportEvent MicFail, "Click on the link , name ", sLink_Name & " not found to click."
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub ClickButtonInFrame(sBrowserName, sPageName, sFrame, sButton_Name, iIndx,iTestNo)
' method: ClickButtonInFrame
' returns: none
' parameter: sFrame,sButton_Name,iIndx
' notes: It will clicks on the given button in the page/application.
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).frame(sFrame).WebButton("html tag:=INPUT", "name:=" & sButton_Name, "type:=button", "index:=" & iIndx).Exist Then
Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).frame(sFrame).WebButton("html tag:=INPUT", "name:=" & sButton_Name, "type:=button", "index:=" & iIndx).Click
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Click on the button in the frame ", " Name ' " & sButton_Name & "' and clicked successfully." )
'Reporter.ReportEvent MicPass, "Click on the button in the frame '", sButton_Name & "' and clicked successfully."
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Click on the button in the frame ", " Name ' " & sButton_Name & "' not found to click." )
'Reporter.ReportEvent MicFail, "Click on the button in the frame '", sButton_Name & "' not found to click."
End If
End Sub
Sub ImageLinkClick(sBrowserName, sPageName, sImgFileName, iIndex,iTestNo)
' method: ImageLinkClick
' returns: None
' parameter: sImgName, iIndex
' notes: This will clicks on the given image link in the page/application.' END
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).Image("file name:= " & sImgFileName, "html tag:=IMG","image type:=Image Link", "index:="&iIndex).Exist Then
Browser(sBrowserName).Page("Journal Listing").Image("file name:= " & sImgFileName,"html tag:=IMG","image type:=Image Link", "index:="&iIndex).Highlight
Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).Image("file name:= " & sImgFileName, "html tag:=IMG","image type:=Image Link", "index:="&iIndex).Click
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Click on the Image ", " Name ' " & sImgFileName & "' and clicked successfully." )
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Click on the Image ", " Name ' " & sImgFileName & "' not found to click." )
End If
End Sub
Sub ImageClick(sBrowserName, sPageName, sImgFileName, iIndex,iTestNo)
' method: ImageClick
' returns: None
' parameter: sImgName, iIndex
' notes: This will clicks on the given image link in the page/application.
Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).Image("file name:= " & sImgFileName, "html tag:=IMG", "index:=" & iIndex).Highlight
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).Image("file name:= " & sImgFileName, "html tag:=IMG", "index:=" & iIndex).Exist Then
Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).Image("file name:= " & sImgFileName, "html tag:=IMG", "index:=" & iIndex).Click
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Click on the Image ", " Name ' " & sImgFileName & "' and clicked successfully." )
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Click on the Image ", " Name ' " & sImgFileName & "' not found to click." )
End If
End Sub
Sub EnterData(sBrowserName, sPageName, sEdName, sValue,iTestNo)
' method: EnterData
' returns: None
' parameter: sEdName,sValue
' notes: This will enter the given data in the given text box
'msgbox Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).Exist
'msgbox sEdName&" "&Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebEdit("name:="& sEdName,"index:=" & iIndex).Exist
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebEdit("name:=" & sEdName,"index:=" & iIndex).Exist(1) Then
Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebEdit("name:=" & sEdName, "index:=" & iIndex).Set sValue
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Enter data in the EditBox ", " Name '" & CStr(sEdName) & "' is exist and data '" & CStr(sValue) & "' is entered." )
'Reporter.ReportEvent MicPass, "Enter data in the field name ", CStr(sEdName) + "is exist and data" + CStr(sValue) + " is entered."
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Enter data in the EditBox ", " Name '" & CStr(sEdName) & "' not exists.")
'Reporter.ReportEvent MicFail, "Enter data in the field name ", sEdName & " not exist."
End If
End Sub
Sub OperateCheckBox(sBrowserName, sPageName, sControlName, sOptValue,iTestNo)
' method: OperateCheckBox(sControlName,sDataValue)
' returns: None
' parameter: sControlName is name of the control
' parameter: sDataValue is Value that needs to be selected the radio button
' notes: Selection Check box is option made ON/OFF.
'msgbox Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebCheckBox(sControlName).Exist
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebCheckBox(sControlName).Exist Then
Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_PASS, "Operate CheckBox", " Name '" & sControlName & "'check box exists.")
Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebCheckBox(sControlName).Set sOptValue
If sOptValue = "ON" Then
Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_PASS, "Operate CheckBox", " Name '" & sControlName & "' Selection Check box is option made ON.")
Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_PASS, "Operate CheckBox", " Name '" & sControlName & "' Selection Check box is option made OFF.")
End If
Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_FAIL, "Operate CheckBox", " Name '" & sControlName & "' check box doesn't exists.")
End If
End Sub
Sub SelectRadioButton(sBrowserName, sPageName, sName, iOption,iTestNo)
' method: SelectRadioButton
' returns: None
' parameter: sName as name of the WebRadio Group
' parameter: iOption as name of Radiobutton/option
' notes: It will selects radio button in Radiogroup .
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebRadioGroup("html tag:=INPUT", "name:=" & sName, "index:=" & iIndex).Exist Then
Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebRadioGroup("html tag:=INPUT", "name:=" & sName, "index:=" & iIndex).Select iOption
Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_PASS, "Select Radio Button", " Name '" & sName & "' is exist and option "&iOption &" is selected.")
Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_FAIL, "Select Radio Button", " Name '" & sName & "' not found to select.")
End If
End Sub
Sub CloseAllBrowsers(sBrowser,iTestNo)
' class: clsCommonFunctions
' method: CloseAllBrowsers (sBrowser)
' returns: None
' parameter: sBrowser: Name of the Browser
' notes: Close all browser instances
' End
Dim iCtr
Dim bFlag
Dim hFrameHwnd
Dim hLastHwnd
Dim dtHandles
Dim sFramename
'HWId= Window("regexpwndclass:=IEFrame","index:=*").GetROProperty("Hwnd")
'msgbox Browser("hwnd:="& HWId).Dialog("regexpwndtitle:=Microsoft Internet Explorer","index:=*").Highlight
hFrameHwnd = Window("regexpwndclass:=IEFrame","index:=*").GetROProperty("Hwnd")
'msgbox Browser("Hwnd:="& hFrameHwnd).Dialog("regexpwndtitle:=Microsoft Internet Explorer","index:=*").Exist
if Browser("Hwnd:="& hFrameHwnd).Dialog("regexpwndtitle:=Microsoft Internet Explorer","index:=*").Exist(1) then
'Browser("Hwnd:="& hFrameHwnd,"index:=*").Dialog("text:=Microsoft Internet Explorer").highlight
Browser("Hwnd:="& hFrameHwnd).Dialog("regexpwndtitle:=Microsoft Internet Explorer","index:=*").Close
End if
'if false then '*** remove the block later
If UCase(sBrowser) = "IE" Then
sFramename = "IEFrame"
sFramename = "MozillaWindowClass"
End If
iCtr = 0
bFlag = 1
Set dtHandles = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
While (Window("regexpwndclass:=" & sFramename, "index:=" & iCtr).Exist And bFlag)
Wait 1
hFrameHwnd = Window("regexpwndclass:=" & sFramename, "index:=" & iCtr).GetROProperty("Hwnd")
If (hLastHwnd = hFrameHwnd) Then
bFlag = 0
dtHandles.Add CStr(dtHandles.Count), hFrameHwnd
iCtr = iCtr + 1
End If
hLastHwnd = hFrameHwnd
For iCtr = 0 To dtHandles.Count - 1
hFrameHwnd = dtHandles.Item(CStr(iCtr))
If not strcomp(Window("regexpwndclass:="& sFramename, "index:=" & iCtr).GetROProperty("name"),"Welcome to Verizon Conferencing") = 0 then
'Window("regexpwndclass:="& sFramename, "index:=" & iCtr).highlight
'msgbox Window("regexpwndclass:="& sFramename, "index:=" & iCtr).GetROProperty("name")
Window("hwnd:=" & hFrameHwnd).Close
'msgbox Window("regexpwndclass:="& sFramename, "index:=" & iCtr).GetROProperty("name")
End if
'Window("hwnd:=" & hFrameHwnd).Close
'End If
'End if '*** remove the block later
End Sub
Function FrameObjectExists(sBrowserName, sPageName, sObjectName, sObjectType, sFramename,iTestNo)
' method: ObjectExists(sObjectName,sObjectType)
' returns: Pass/Fail of the execution(0/1).
' parameter: sObjectName: Name of the object which to be verified.
' parameter: sObjectType: Type of the object can be verified are :-
' notes: This function verifies whether passed object as input is found or not in frame.
Dim sTitle
Select Case sObjectType
Case "WebElement":
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).frame(sFramename).WebElement(sObjectName).Exist Then
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Verify Object in Frame ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is existed." )
Reporter.ReportEvent MicPass, "Object in the frame ", "The " & sObjectName & " " & sObjectType & " is existed."
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Verify Object in Frame ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is not existed." )
End If
Case "WebRadioGroup":
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).frame(sFramename).WebRadioGroup(sObjectName).Exist Then
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Verify Object in Frame ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is existed." )
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Verify Object in Frame ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is not existed." )
End If
Case "WebCheckBox":
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).frame(sFramename).WebCheckBox(sObjectName).Exist Then
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Verify Object in Frame ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is existed." )
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Verify Object in Frame ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is not existed." )
End If
Case "WebEdit":
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).frame(sFramename).WebEdit(sObjectName).Exist Then
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Verify Object in Frame ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is existed." )
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Verify Object in Frame ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is not existed." )
End If
Case "Link":
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).frame(sFramename).Link("html tag:=A", "text:=" & sObjectName, "index:=" & iIndex).Exist Then
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Verify Object in Frame ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is existed." )
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Verify Object in Frame ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is not existed." )
End If
Case "WebList":
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).frame(sFramename).WebList(sObjectName).Exist Then
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Verify Object in Frame ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is existed." )
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Verify Object in Frame ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is not existed." )
End If
Case "Image":
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).frame(sFramename).Image(sObjectName).Exist Then
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Verify Object in Frame ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is existed." )
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Verify Object in Frame ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is not existed." )
End If
Case "WebButton":
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).frame(sFramename).WebButton("html tag:=INPUT", "name:=" & sObjectName, "type:=button").Exist Then
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Verify Object in Frame ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is existed." )
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Verify Object in Frame ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is not existed." )
End If
End Select
End Function
Function IsAlphaNumeric(sString,iTestNo)
' method: IsAlphaNumeric()
' returns: True/False of the execution
' parameter: sString as a String to Check the Data Type
' notes: Verifies whether String is an AlphaNumeric Type or not.
Dim iString, sStringWord, regEx, Matches
If sString = "" Then
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "No Value to Verify Data Type", "as a Alpha Numeric Number." )
For iString = 1 To Len(sString)
sStringWord = Mid(sString, iString, 1)
Set regEx = New RegExp
regEx.Global = True
regEx.IgnoreCase = True
regEx.Pattern = "[A-Z][a-z][0-9]"
Set Matches = regEx.Execute(sStringWord)
If Matches.Count = 0 Then
IsAlphaNumeric = False
Set Matches = Nothing
Set regEx = Nothing
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, " Value : " & CStr(sString), "not a Alpha Numeric Number." )
Exit Function
End If
IsAlphaNumeric = True
Set Matches = Nothing
Set regEx = Nothing
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, " Value : " & CStr(sString), "is an Alpha Numeric Number." )
End If
End Function
Function GetWebListItems(sBrowserName, sPageName, sWebListName,iTestNo)
' method: GetWebListItems()
' returns: All the WebList Items
' parameter: sWebListName : Name of the WebEdit to read All Items
' notes: This is used to display items of a Web List in Page
Dim iWebListItemsCount
Dim iItem
Dim sSelectedItem
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebList("name:=" & sWebListName, "html tag:=SELECT", "index:=" & iIndex).Exist Then
'Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebList("name:="&sWebListName ,"html tag:=SELECT","index:="&iIndex).Select 0
iWebListItemsCount = Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebList("name:=" & sWebListName, "html tag:=SELECT", "index:=" & iIndex).GetROProperty("items count")
sWebListAllitems = Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebList("name:=" & sWebListName, "html tag:=SELECT", "index:=" & iIndex).GetROProperty("all items")
For iItem = 0 To iWebListItemsCount - 1
aWebListArray = Split(sWebListAllitems, ";")
sAllitems = Join(aWebListArray)
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Get WebListItems ", "Name'" & CStr(sWebListName) & "' Contains " & CStr(iWebListItemsCount) & " Items and " & " Items in Web List are : " & CStr(sAllitems)&"." )
Reporter.ReportEvent MicPass, " Web List: " & CStr(sWebListName) & " Contains " & CStr(iWebListItemsCount) & " Items ", " Items in Web List are : " & CStr(sAllitems)
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Get WebListItems ", "Name'" & CStr(sWebListName) & "' Contains " & CStr(iWebListItemsCount) & " Items and " & " Items in Web List are not Found in Web List." )
GetWebListItems = sWebListAllitems
End If
End Function
Function IsNumericValue(sNumericValue)
' method: IsNumericValue(sNumericValue)
' returns: True/False of the execution
' parameter: sNumericValue: String to Check the Data Type
' notes: Verifies whether String is an Numeric Type or not.
Dim iString, sStringWord, regEx, Matches
If sString = "" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent MicPass, "No Value to Verify Data Type", "as a Numeric Number"
For iString = 1 To Len(sNumericValue)
sStringWord = Mid(sNumericValue, iString, 1)
Set regEx = New RegExp
regEx.Global = True
regEx.IgnoreCase = True
regEx.Pattern = "[0-9]"
Set Matches = regEx.Execute(sStringWord)
If Matches.Count = 0 Then
IsNumericValue = False
Set Matches = Nothing
Set regEx = Nothing
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Verify Data Type: ", "'"& CStr(sNumericValue) &"' is a Not a Numeric Value.")
Exit Function
End If
IsNumericValue = True
Set Matches = Nothing
Set regEx = Nothing
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Verify Data Type: ", "'"& CStr(sNumericValue) &"' is a Numeric Value.")
End If
End Function
Function GetWebEditContent(sBrowserName, sPageName, sWebEditName,iTestNo)
' method: GetWebEditContent()
' returns: Run time WebEdit's Value
' parameter: sWebEditName as name of the WebEdit
' notes: This is used to get the Run time WebEdit's Value
Dim sWebEditValue
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebEdit("type:=text", "name:=" & sWebEditName, "html tag:=INPUT", "index:=" & iIndex).Exist Then
sWebEditValue = Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebEdit("type:=text", "name:=" & sWebEditName, "html tag:=INPUT", "index:=" & iIndex).GetROProperty("Value")
GetWebEditContent = sWebEditValue
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Get WebEditContent: ", "Name '" &sWebEditName &"' Value Existed is: "& GetWebEditContent)
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Get WebEditContent: ", "Name '" &sWebEditName &"'does not Exists.")
End If
End Function
Sub VerifyWebEditContent(sBrowserName, sPageName, sWebEditName, sWebEditValue,iTestNo)
' method: VerifyWebEditContent()
' returns: None
' other methods: GetWebEditContent() is used to execute
' parameter: sWebEditName as name of the WebEdit to Verify
' parameter: sWebEditValue as expected value of the WebEdit to Verify
' notes: This is used to Verify Data of Web Edit
Dim sWebEditContent
sWebEditContent = GetWebEditContent(sBrowserName, sPageName, sWebEditName)
If (sWebEditContent <> "") Then
If (Trim(sWebEditContent) = Trim(sWebEditValue)) Then
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Verify Web Edit Contents ", "In WebEdit '"& sWebEditName &"' Expected value '"& sWebEditValue &"' is matched with Actual value '" &sWebEditContent &"'.")
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Verify Web Edit Contents ", "In WebEdit '"& sWebEditName &"' Expected value '"& sWebEditValue &"' is not matched with Actual value '" &sWebEditContent &"'.")
End If
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Verify Web Edit Contents ", "In WebEdit '"& sWebEditName &"' the values are empty to compare .")
End If
End Sub
Sub VerifyWebEditLength(sBrowserName, sPageName, sObjectName, sWebEditValue,iTestNo)
' method: VerifyWebEditLength()
' returns: None
' parameter: sObjectName as name of the WebEdit to Verify and Set
' parameter: sWebEditValue : Value of the WebEdit to Verify and Set
' notes: This is used to Verify Data of Web Edit and Set Data
Dim MyObjectExists
Dim iWebEditLength
Dim sCurrentValueofWebEdit
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebEdit("name:=" & sObjectName, "html tag:=INPUT", "type:=text", "index:=" & iIndex).Exist Then
iWebEditLength = Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebEdit("name:=" & sObjectName, "html tag:=INPUT", "type:=text", "index:=" & iIndex).GetROProperty("max length")
If (Len(sWebEditValue) > iWebEditLength) Then
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Verify Web Edit Contents ", "In WebEdit '"& sWebEditName &"' the values are empty to compare .")
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Verify WebEdit Length ", "In WebEdit '"& sObjectName &"' we can't set the Value : " & CStr(sWebEditValue) &" Exceeding the Max Length of Object.")
'It will set the data if the range is under the Edit Length
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Verify WebEdit Length ", "In WebEdit '"& sObjectName &"' we can set the Value : " & CStr(sWebEditValue) &" and the value is with in the Limit.")
EnterData sBrowserName, sPageName, sObjectName, sWebEditValue
End If
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Verify WebEdit Length ", "In WebEdit '"& sObjectName &"' doesn't Exists to check.")
End If
End Sub
Sub VerifyWebListDefaultValue(sBrowserName, sPageName, sWebListName, sString,iTestNo)
' method: VerifyWebListDefaultValue(sBrowserName,sPageName,sWebListName,sString)
' returns: None
' parameter: sWebListName as Name of the WebEdit to Verify the Default Value
' parameter: sString as Value of the WebEdit to Verify Default item
' notes: This is used to Verify Default item of a Web List in Page
Dim sBrowserName_MaintainSales
Dim sDefaultValue
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebList("name:=" & sWebListName, "html tag:=SELECT", "index:=" & iIndex).Exist Then
sWebListState = VerifyWebListState(sBrowserName, sPageName, sWebListName)
If (sWebListState = 0) Then
sDefaultValue = Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebList("name:=" & sWebListName, "html tag:=SELECT", "index:=" & iIndex).GetROProperty("Value")
If sDefaultValue <> "" Then
sDefaultValue = Replace(sDefaultValue, " ", "")
sString = Replace(sString, " ", "")
If InStr(Trim(LCase(sDefaultValue)), Trim(LCase(sString))) <> 0 Then
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Verify default value in Web List ", "The default value from application " & CStr(sDefaultValue) &" is matching with the expected default string " & CStr(sString)&".")
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL,"Verify default value in Web List ", "The default value from application " & CStr(sDefaultValue) &" is not matching with the expected default string " & CStr(sString)&".")
End If
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL,"Verify Web List Value ", "No items in Web List '" & CStr(sWebListName)&"' to check.")
'Reporter.ReportEvent MicPass, "Verify Web List Value ", "No items in Web List : : " & CStr(sWebListName)
End If
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL,"Verify Web List Value ", "Name '" & CStr(sWebListName)&"' is in Disabled State, So Unable to Verify the Web list Value.")
End If
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL,"Verify Web List Value ", "Name '" & CStr(sWebListName)&"'Doesn't Exists to Verify default list Value.")
End If
End Sub
Sub ClickWebAreaImage(sBrowserName, sPageName, sImgName,iTestNo)
' method: ClickWebAreaImage
' returns: None
' parameter: sImgName
' notes: This will clicks on the given image link in the page/application.
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebArea("alt:= " & sImgName, "html tag:=IMG").Exist Then
Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebArea("alt:= " & sImgName, "html tag:=IMG").Click
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Image Click ","Name '" & CStr(sImgName)&"' is clicked.")
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Image Click ","Name '" & CStr(sImgName)&"' is not found to click.")
End If
End Sub
Function GetErrorMessages(sBrowserName, sDialogBox,iTestNo)
' method: GetErrorMessages(sBrowserName,sDialogBox)
' returns: Returns the Error Message from Application
' parameter: sBrowserName,sDialogBox
' notes: Returns Error Message to retrieve from specified Dialog
Dim sErrorMessage
If Browser(sBrowserName).Dialog(sDialogBox).Exist then
sErrorMessage = Trim(Browser(sBrowserName).Dialog(sDialogBox).GetVisibleText())
If sErrorMessage <> "" Then
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS,"Get ErrorMessages from Application","Name '" &sDialogBox &"' contains Message :" & CStr(sErrorMessage)&".")
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Get ErrorMessages from Application","Name '" &sDialogBox &"'No Message to retrieve from specified Dialog.")
End If
GetErrorMessages = sErrorMessage
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Get ErrorMessages from Application","Name '" &sDialogBox &"'no specified Dialog box in the Page '"&sBrowserName&"' .")
End If
End Function
Function VerifyErrorMessages(sBrowserName, sDialogBox, sMessage,iTestNo)
' method: VerifyErrorMessages()
' other methods: GetErrorMessages() is used to execute
' returns: None
' parameter: sBrowserName,sMessage
' notes: Verifies the Error Message with Application Error Message
Dim sReadMessage
sReadMessage = GetErrorMessages(sBrowserName, sDialogBox,iTestNo)
If InStr(sMessage, ReadMessage) <> 0 Then
VerifyErrorMessages = "True"
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS," Verify the Error Messages ","Name '" &sDialogBox &"' having the message "&sReadMessage &"' is matching with the expected Message '" & CStr(sMessage)&"'.")
VerifyErrorMessages = "False"
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL," Verify the Error Messages ","Name '" &sDialogBox &"' having the message "&sReadMessage &"' is not matching with the expected Message '" & CStr(sMessage)&"'.")
End If
End Function
Sub VerifyWebEditState(sBrowserName, sPageName, sWebEditName, iIndex,iTestNo)
' method: VerifyWebEditState()
' notes: This is to retrieve the Disabled Property of an Web Edit Based on Index
' parameter: sWebEditName as Name of the Web Edit ,iIndex : Number of the WEeb Edit in Page
Dim sWebWebEditState
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebEdit("name:=" & sWebEditName, "html tag:=INPUT", "index:=" & iIndex).Exist then
sWebWebEditState = Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebEdit("name:=" & sWebEditName, "html tag:=INPUT", "index:=" & iIndex).GetROProperty("disabled")
If (Trim(sWebWebEditState) = 0) Then
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS," Check WebEdit State ","Name '" &sWebEditName &"' is in enabled State.")
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL," Check WebEdit State ","Name '" &sWebEditName &"' is in disabled State.")
End If
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL," Check WebEdit State ","Name '" &sWebEditName &"' doesn't exists.")
End If
End Sub
Sub VerifyRadiobuttonState(sBrowserName, sPageName, sWebRadioGroupName, sWebRadioButtonName,iIndex,iTestNo)
' method: VerifySelectedRadiobutton()
' notes: This is to Verify the Name of the Radio Button Seleted or Not Selected
' parameter: sWebRadioGroupName as name of the Web Radio Group ,sWebRadioButtonName as name of the Radio Button to Verify
Dim sSelectedWebRadioButtonName
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebRadioGroup("html tag:=INPUT", "name:=" & sWebRadioGroupName,"index:=&iIndex").Exist Then
sSelectedWebRadioButtonName = Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebRadioGroup("html tag:=INPUT", "name:=" & sWebRadioGroupName,"index:=&iIndex").GetROProperty("Value")
If StrComp(sSelectedWebRadioButtonName, sWebRadioButtonName) = 0 Then
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS," Check RadioButton State ","Name '" &sWebRadioButtonName &"'is selected .")
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS," Check RadioButton State ","Name '" &sWebRadioButtonName &"'is selected .")
Reporter.ReportEvent MicFail, " Verification of a NoN Selected Web Radio Button", "Name of the radio button Not Selected is :" & CStr(sWebRadioButtonName)
End If
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL," Check RadioButton State ","Name '" &sWebRadioButtonName &"'doesn't exist.")
End If
End Sub
Sub ClickTableDataLink(sBrowserName,sPageName,sTableName, sRow, sCol,iTestNo)
' method: ClickTableDataLink()
' returns: None
' parameter: sRow,sCol as Row &Col
' parameter:
' notes: * To click on Link in a Table
Dim sLink, sLinkName
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebTable(sTableName).Exist Then
'Check required object is present in the specified cell
sLinkName = GetCellData(sBrowserName, sPageName, sTableName, sRow, sCol,iTestNo)
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebTable(sTableName).ChildItem(sRow, sCol, GM_LINK, GM_ZERO).Exist Then
Set sLink = Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebTable(sTableName).ChildItem(sRow, sCol, GM_LINK, GM_ZERO)
If sLinkName <> "" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent MicPass, "Click a Table Link" & CStr(sTableName), "Sucessfully Clicked on Link : " & CStr(sLinkName)
Reporter.ReportEvent MicFail, "Click a Table Link" & CStr(sTableName), "Cell is Empty to clic Link : " & CStr(sLinkName)
End If
Reporter.ReportEvent MicFail,"Click a Table Link"&Cstr(sTableName),"Link '"&Cstr(sLinkName)&"' Doesnot exist in the Row: '"&sRow&"' Column: '"&sCol
End If
Reporter.ReportEvent MicPass, "Click a Table Link" & CStr(sTableName), "Table Doesn't Exist"
End If
Set sLink = Nothing
End Sub
Sub VerifyTableTextNotNull(sBrowserName, sPageName, sTableName, sRow, sCol,iTestNo)
' method: VerifyTableTextNotNull(sBrowserName,sPageName,sTableName,sRow,sCol)
' returns:
' parameter: sBrowserName,sPageName,sTableName,sRow,sCol
' parameter:
' notes: Verifies Data from a Specific Cell of the table is present or not
Dim sCellData
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebTable(sTableName).Exist Then
sCellData = GetCellData(sBrowserName, sPageName, sTableName, sRow, sCol,iTestNo)
If Trim(sCellData) <> "" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent MicPass, " Cell Data of Table : " & CStr(sTableName), " there is No Value in Cell " & CStr(sRow) & " ::" & CStr(sCol)
End If
Reporter.ReportEvent MicFail, "Verify Page Name", sTableName & " doesn't exist."
End If
End Sub
Sub OperateTableCheckBox(sBrowserName, sPageName, sTableName, sRow, sCol, sOperation,iTestNo)
' method: OperateTableCheckBox()
' returns:
' parameter: sRow,sCol as Row &Col to Select/Deselect any Check Box of a Table
' parameter:
' notes: Selection Check box in the Specified table is option made ON/OFF .
Dim SetCheckBox
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebTable(sTableName).Exist Then
Set SetCheckBox = Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebTable(sTableName).ChildItem(sRow, sCol, "WebCheckBox", 0)
SetCheckBox.Set sOperation
Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_PASS, "Operate Check Box in Table ", "Check Box '" & sCheckBox & "' in table at Row" & CStr(sRow) & ", Column " & CStr(sCol) & " is made "&sOperation&".")
'Reporter.ReportEvent MicPass, "Web Table : " & CStr(sTableName), " Check Box in Row :" & CStr(sRow) & ":: of Column" & CStr(sCol) & " is set as " & CStr(sOperation)
Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_WARNING, "Operate Check Box in Table ", "Check Box '" & sCheckBox & "' in table at " & CStr(sRow) & ", Column " & CStr(sCol) & " is not found.")
'Reporter.ReportEvent MicFail, "Web Table :" & CStr(sTableName), " not Found in given Page :" & CStr(sPageName)
End If
End Sub
Function GetNumObjectsinTable(sBrowserName, sPageName, sTableName, sObject,iTestNo)
' method: GetNumObjectsinTable()
' returns:
' parameter: sObject as Type of the Object type to Check in Table
' notes: Returns number of Objects in a Table
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebTable(sTableName).Exist Then
sCounter = 0
For sRow = 1 To Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebTable(sTableName).GetROProperty("rows")
ObjectExist = Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebTable(sTableName).ChildItemCount(sRow, sCol, sObject)
If ObjectExist = 1 Then
sCounter = sCounter + 1
End If
Reporter.ReportEvent MicPass, "Type of the Object :" & CStr(sObject), "Number of Objects in Table are :" & CStr(sCounter)
Reporter.ReportEvent MicFail, "Web Table :" & CStr(sTableName), " not Found in given Page :" & CStr(sPageName)
End If
GetNumObjectsinTable = sCounter
End Function
Sub VerifyStringLength(sBrowserName,sPageName,sString, sLen,iTestNo)
' method: VerifyStringLength()
' returns: None
' parameter: sString as String ,sLen as Lenght of the String to Verify with
' notes: To verify for Expected String Length
If Trim(Len(sString)) = Trim(sLen) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent MicPass, "Verification of length of a String : " & CStr(sString), "Sucessfully Verified Length of a String : " & CStr(sLen)
Reporter.ReportEvent MicFail, "Verification of length of a String : " & CStr(sString), "Length of a String not Simliar " & CStr(sLen)
End If
End Sub
Sub Compare_String(sStr1, sStr2,sPageName,iTestNo)
' method: Compare_String(sStr1,sStr2)
' returns:
' parameter: sStr1:String 1 ;sStr2:String 2
' notes: Compares the given two strings.
If StrComp(Trim(sStr1), Trim(sStr2)) = 0 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Compare String", "Given Strings are Similar "&vbNewLine&" String1: "&sStr1&vbNewLine&"String2: "&sStr2
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Compare String", "Given Strings are not Similar "&vbNewLine&" String1: "&sStr1&vbNewLine&"String2: "&sStr2
End If
End Sub
Sub AlertMessage_Close(sBrowserName, sDialogBox, sClick,iTestNo)
' ** NOTE: Make Sure You add OK /Cancel Button in your Object Repository File (*.tsr) **
' method: AlertMessage_Close()
' returns: None.
' parameter: None
' notes: This method is to close pop up window
If Browser(sBrowserName).Dialog(sDialogBox).Exist Then
Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_PASS, "Close Alert DialogBox", "DialogBox '" & sDialogBox & "' has closed successfully.")
Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_FAIL, "Close Alert DialogBox", "DialogBox '" & sDialogBox & "' does not exist.")
End If
End Sub
Sub SelectMultipleWebListItems(sBrowserName, sPageName, sLstName, iItems, iIndex,iTestNo)
' method: SelectMultipleWebListItems
' returns: none
' parameter: sLstName,sValue,iIndex
' notes: This will selects Items from the given list box based on the specified item count
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebList("name:=" & sLstName, "html tag:=SELECT", "index:=" & iIndex).Exist Then
Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebList("name:=" & sLstName, "html tag:=SELECT", "index:=" & iIndex).Select 0
For iSelect = 0 To iItems
Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebList("name:=" & sLstName, "html tag:=SELECT", "index:=" & iIndex).ExtendSelect Int(iSelect)
sSelectedValue = Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebList("name:=" & sLstName, "html tag:=SELECT", "index:=" & iIndex).GetROProperty("value")
Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_PASS, "Select Multiple WebListItems", "WebList '" & sLstName & "' is exist and data selected is '" & CStr(sSelectedValue) & "' .")
Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_FAIL, "Select Multiple WebListItems", "WebList '" & sLstName & "' doesn't exists .")
End If
End Sub
Sub ClickWebFile(sBrowserName, sPageName, sFileName,iTestNo)
' method: ClickWebFile
' returns: It will clicks on the given Webfile in the page/application.
' parameter: sType,sFileName
' notes:
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebFile("html tag:=INPUT", "name:=" & sFileName, "type:=file").Exist Then
Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebFile("html tag:=INPUT", "name:=" & sFileName, "type:=file").Click
Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_PASS, "Click WebFile", "WebFile '" & sFileName & "' is Clicked Successfully .")
Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_FAIL, "Click WebFile", "WebFile '" & sFileName & "' is unable to Click .")
End If
End Sub
Sub PopUpWindow_Close(sBrowserName)
'method: PopUpWindow_Close()
'returns: None
'parameter: sBrowserName
'Notes: PopUp Window appeared as browser page will be closed
Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_DONE, "Close PopUp Window ", "PopUp Window appeared as browser page as '" & sBrowserName & "' is Closed Successfully .")
End Sub
Function IsAlphabatic(sExpString,iTestNo)
' method: IsAlphaNumeric(sString)
' returns: True/False of the execution
' parameter: sString: String to Check the Data Type
' notes: This is used to check whether String is an Alphabetic Type or not.
Dim iString, sStringWord, regEx, Matches, sString, sString1, sString2, sString3
If sExpString = "" Then
Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_DONE, "Is Alphabatic ", "No Value to Verify Data Type.")
sString1 = Replace(sExpString, " ", GM_NULL) ' To Remove Spaces in the ExpString
sString2 = Replace(sString1, ".", GM_NULL) ' To Remove "." in the ExpString
sString3 = Replace(sString2, "-", GM_NULL) ' To Remove "-" in the ExpString
sString = Replace(sString3, "'", GM_NULL)
For iString = 1 To Len(sString)
sStringWord = Mid(sString, iString, 1)
Set regEx = New RegExp
regEx.Global = True
regEx.IgnoreCase = True
regEx.Pattern = "[A-Z][a-z]"
Set Matches = regEx.Execute(sStringWord)
If Matches.Count = 0 Then
IsAlphabatic = False
Set Matches = Nothing
Set regEx = Nothing
Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_FAIL, "Is Alphabatic ", "Expected String '" & sExpString & "' not an Alphabatic Value.")
Exit Function
End If
IsAlphabatic = True
Set Matches = Nothing
Set regEx = Nothing
Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_PASS, "Is Alphabatic ", "Expected String '" & sExpString & "' is an Alphabatic Value.")
End If
End Function
Sub OperateTableRadioButton(sBrowserName, sPageName, sTableName, sRow, sCol, iNum,iTestNo)
' method: OperateTableCheckBox()
' returns:
' parameter: sRow,sCol : Row &Col to Select/Deselect any Check Box of a Table
' parameter:
' notes: To Select the RadioButton in the Table
Dim SetRadioButton
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebTable(sTableName).Exist Then
sRadioButtonexist = Trim(Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebTable(sTableName).ChildItemCount(sRow, sCol, "WebRadioGroup"))
If sRadioButtonexist = 1 Then
Set SetRadioButton = Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebTable(sTableName).ChildItem(sRow, sCol, "WebRadioGroup", 0)
SetRadioButton.Select iNum
sWebRadButton = GetCellData(sBrowserName, sPageName, sTableName, sRow, sCol,iTestNo)
Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_PASS, "Operate Radio Button in Table ", "Radio Button '" & sWebRadButton & "' in table at " & CStr(sRow) & ", Column " & CStr(sCol) & " is selected Successfully .")
Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_WARNING, "Operate Radio Button in Table ", "Radio Button '" & sWebRadButton & "' in table at " & CStr(sRow) & ", Column " & CStr(sCol) & " is not found.")
End If
Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_FAIL, "Operate Radio Button in Table ", "Web Table '" & CStr(sTableName) & "' not found in a given Page :" & CStr(sPageName) & ".")
End If
End Sub
'method :InvokeApp(sBrowserType,sAppURL)
'returns :None
'parameter:bLogin: Start from login or not, 1 means login
'parameter:aLoginData: Consists user name and password
'parameter:sBrowserType: Browser type i.e IE for Internet Explorer, NS for Netscape Navigator
'parameter:sObjectType: Object type to navigate
'parameter:sObjectNames: Object names to further navigate
'notes :This function is to login and clicks the provided object.
Dim sObjectData
Dim iCount
'msgbox sAppURL
If ucase(sBrowserType) = "IE" Then
SystemUtil.Run "iexplore.exe",sAppURL
InvokeApp = "True"
InvokeApp = "False"
End If
End Function
Sub TestSettings(sORPath,sORFileName)
Dim App 'As Application
Set App = CreateObject("QuickTest.Application")
App.Test.Settings.Run.StartIteration = 1
App.Test.Settings.Run.EndIteration = 1
App.Test.Settings.Resources.ObjectRepositoryPath = sORPath&sORFileName
App.Test.Settings.Run.ObjectSyncTimeOut = 20000
App.Test.Settings.Web.BrowserNavigationTimeout = 10000
Set App = Nothing
End Sub
Function LoginInfo(sPath,sShtSrcID,iRow)
' Created : jai
' Created Date :08-08-07
' Modified Date:26-10-07
' method :LoginInfo()
' returns :Returns Array
' parameter :sPath,iRow
' notes :Returns Values from all the Columns based on specified row.
Dim pCount,iCnt
ReDim Info(100)
DataTable.ImportSheet sPath,sShtSrcID,2
pCount = DataTable.GetSheet(2).GetParameterCount
DataTable.SetCurrentRow iRow
For iCnt = 1 to pCount
Info(iCnt-1) = DataTable.Value(iCnt,2)
LoginInfo = Info
End Function
Function ModularInfo(sPath,sShtSrcID,iRow)
' Created: jai
' Created Date: 08-08-07
' method: LoginInfo()
' returns: Returns Array
' parameter: sPath,iRow
' notes: Returns Values from all the Columns based on specified row.
Dim pCount,iCnt
ReDim Info(100)
DataTable.ImportSheet sPath,sShtSrcID,2
pCount = DataTable.GetSheet(2).GetParameterCount
DataTable.SetCurrentRow iRow
For iCnt = 1 to pCount
Info(iCnt-1) = DataTable.Value(iCnt,2)
ModularInfo = Info
End Function
Sub GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo, sStatus,sReportEventStepName, sDetails)
Dim sEventStatus
Dim sResPath
Select Case UCase(sStatus)
Case "PASS"
sEventStatus= micPass
Reporter.ReportEvent sEventStatus,sReportEventStepName,"TestCase ID: "& iTestNo& VbCrLf &sDetails
Case "FAIL"
sEventStatus= micFail
Reporter.ReportEvent sEventStatus,sReportEventStepName,"TestCase ID: "& iTestNo& VbCrLf &sDetails
ExitRun("Script failed due to unexpected behaviour of Application")
Case "DONE"
sEventStatus= micDone
Reporter.ReportEvent sEventStatus,sReportEventStepName,"TestCase ID: "& iTestNo& VbCrLf &sDetails
sEventStatus= micWarning
Reporter.ReportEvent sEventStatus,sReportEventStepName,"TestCase ID: "& iTestNo& VbCrLf &sDetails
Case " "
sEventStatus= micWarning
Reporter.ReportEvent sEventStatus,sReportEventStepName,"TestCase ID: "& iTestNo& VbCrLf &sDetails
End Select
End Sub
Sub VerifyText(sBrowserName, sPageName, sTableName, sExpTitle,iTestNo)
' method: VerifyText()
' returns: None
' parameter: sBrowserName sTableName: Name of Table
' parameter: sExpTitle-Expected Title of the page which to be tested
' notes: Verifies the Expected Title of the page which to be tested
Dim oDesc
Dim sTitle
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebTable(sTableName).Exist Then
'msgbox Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebTable(sTableName).Exist
stext = Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebTable(sTableName).GetROProperty("innertext")
'msgbox stext & "is compared with" & sExpTitle
If InStr(LCase(stext), LCase(sExpTitle)) <> 0 Then
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Verify text in page", "'"& sExpTitle & "' successfully verified on the page '"&sPageName&"'." )
'Reporter.ReportEvent MicPass, "Verify text in page", "'"& sExpTitle & "' successfully verified on the page '"&sPageName&"'."
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Verify text in page", "'"& sExpTitle & "' doesn't exist." )
'Reporter.ReportEvent MicFail, "Verify text in page ", "" & sExpTitle & " doesn't exist."
End If
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Verify text in page", " Table '" & sTableName & "' doesn't exist." )
'Reporter.ReportEvent MicFail, "Verify text in page", " Table '" & sTableName & "' doesn't exist."
End If
End Sub
Function SelectData(sBrowserName, sPageName, sListName, sValue, iTestNo)
' method: SelectData
' returns: None
' parameter: sListName,sValue
' notes: This will selects given value from the given list box
Dim stext, bListItemFound, sDisplayedListItems, iItem, iItemsCount
bListItemFound = False
'MSgbox Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebList("name:=" & sListName, "html tag:=SELECT", "index:=" & iIndex).Exist
'check for the required weblist
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebList("name:=" & sListName, "html tag:=SELECT", "index:=" & iIndex).Exist Then
'check whether the weblist is in enabled state
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebList("name:=" & sListName, "html tag:=SELECT", "index:=" & iIndex).GetROProperty("disabled") = FCR_ZERO Then
'retrieve the items from the list
iItemsCount = Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebList("name:=" & sListName, "html tag:=SELECT", "index:=" & iIndex).GetROProperty("items count")
'in the list
For iItem = 1 To iItemsCount
'get the list item present at iItem position
stext = Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebList("name:=" & sListName, "html tag:=SELECT", "index:=" & iIndex).GetItem(iItem)
'stext1=UCase(Replace(stext," ",""))
'compare the value from the list with that of the user required
If Trim(stext) = Trim(sValue) Then
'select the required item
Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebList("name:=" & sListName, "html tag:=SELECT", "index:=" & iIndex).Select stext
'make necessary report event
Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_PASS, "Select data from ComboList", " Name '" & sListName & "' exist and '" & sValue & "' data is selected successfully.")
bListItemFound = True
Exit For
End If
Else 'if weblist is in disabled state
Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_FAIL, "Select data from ComboList", " Name '" & sListName & "' is not enabled to select.")
Exit Function
End If 'check for the weblist state
'if required item is not found in the list
If Not bListItemFound Then
sDisplayedListItems = Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebList("name:=" & sListName, "html tag:=SELECT", "index:=" & iIndex).GetROProperty("all items")
'display available list items
Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_DONE, "Select data from ComboList", "Items in the list '" & sListName & "' are '" & sDisplayedListItems & "'")
'make necessary report event
Call GenerateTestStatus(TestCase_ID, FCR_FAIL, "Select data from ComboList", "Combo List '" & sListName & "' exist and '" & sValue & "' is not available to select ")
End If 'check for the existence of the list item
Else 'if the list is not available
'make necessary report event
Call GenerateTestStatus(TestCase_ID, FCR_FAIL, "Select data from ComboList", "Combo List '" & sListName & "' doesn't exist to select '" & sValue & "'")
End If 'check for the weblist existence in the application
End Function
Sub ClickTableLink(sBrowserName, sPageName, sInnertext, sRow, sCol,iTestNo)
' method: ClickTableLink()
' returns:
' parameter: sRow,sCol : Row &Col ,sInnertext
' parameter:
' notes: To CLick the Link in the Table. Table is identified based on inner text but not on its anme
Dim SetLink
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebTable("innertext:="&sInnertext&".*","index:=1").Exist Then
bLinkexist = Trim(Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebTable("innertext:="&sInnertext&".*","index:=1").ChildItemCount(sRow, sCol, "Link"))
If bLinkexist = 1 Then
Set SetLink = Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebTable("innertext:="&sInnertext&".*","index:=1").ChildItem(sRow, sCol, "Link", 0)
SetLinkName = Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebTable("innertext:="&sInnertext&".*","index:=1").GetCellData(sRow, sCol)
Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_PASS, "Click Link in a Table ", "Link '" & SetLinkName & "' in table at " & CStr(sRow) & ", Column " & CStr(sCol) & " is clicked Successfully .")
Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_WARNING, "Click Link in a Table ", "Link '" & SetLinkName & "' in table at " & CStr(sRow) & ", Column " & CStr(sCol) & " is not found.")
End If
Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_FAIL, "Click Link in a Table ", "Web Table '" & CStr(sTableName) & "' not found in a given Page :" & CStr(sPageName) & ".")
End If
End Sub
Sub ClickLink_OR(sBrowserName, sPageName, sFrame, sLink_Name,iTestNo)
' method: ClickLink_OR
' returns: None
' parameter: sFrame,sLink_Name. The sFrame should be Null be if it has to click in Normal Page.
' notes: It will Clicks on the given link in the page/application.
' notes: The Link should be under the OR
If Trim(sFrame) <> "" Then
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).frame(sFrame).Link(sLink_Name).Exist Then
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Click on the link", " Name ' " & sLink_Name & "' found and clicked Sucessfully." )
Reporter.ReportEvent MicPass, "Click on the link" , " Name '" &sLink_Name & "' found and clicked Sucessfully."
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Click on the link", " Name ' " & sLink_Name & "' not found to click." )
End If
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).Link(sLink_Name).Exist Then
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Click on the link", " Name ' " & sLink_Name & "' found and clicked Sucessfully." )
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Click on the link", " Name ' " & sLink_Name & "' not found to click." )
'Reporter.ReportEvent MicFail, "Click on the link , name ", sLink_Name & " not found to click."
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub ClickButton(sBrowserName, sPageName, sButton_Name, iIndx,iTestNo)
' method: ClickButton
' returns: None
' parameter: sType,sButton_Name,iIndx
' notes: It will clicks on the given button in the page/application.
'Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebButton("html tag:=BUTTON", "name:=" & sButton_Name, "type:=button", "index:=" & iIndx).highlight
'Msgbox "Button:"&Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebButton("html tag:=BUTTON", "name:=" & sButton_Name, "type:=button", "index:=" & iIndx).Exist
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebButton("html tag:=BUTTON", "name:=" & sButton_Name, "type:=button", "index:=" & iIndx).Exist Then
Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebButton("html tag:=BUTTON", "name:=" & sButton_Name, "type:=button", "index:=" & iIndx).Click
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Click on the button", " Name ' " & sButton_Name & "' found and clicked Sucessfully." )
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Click on the button", " Name ' " & sButton_Name & "' not found to click." )
End If
End Sub
Sub ClickWebElement(sBrowserName,sPageName,sWebElement_Name,iIndex,iTestNo) 'Check it once
' method: ClickWebElement
' returns: None
' parameter: sWebElement_Name Name of the Web Element to Click
' notes: It will Clicks on the given WebElement in the page/application.
' Msgbox Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebElement("html tag:=TD", "innertext:=" & sWebElement_Name,"index:= "&iIndex).Exist
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebElement("html tag:=TD", "innertext:=" & sWebElement_Name,"index:= "&iIndex).Exist Then
Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebElement("html tag:=TD", "innertext:=" & sWebElement_Name,"index:= "&iIndex).Click
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS," Click on WebElement ","Name '" &sWebElement_Name &"' WebElement is clicked Sucessfully.")
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL," Click on WebElement ","Name '" &sWebElement_Name &"' not found to click.")
End If
End Sub
Sub ClickTableLink_OR(sBrowserName, sPageName, sTableName, sRow, sCol,iTestNo)
' method: ClickTableLink()
' returns:
' parameter: sRow,sCol : Row &Col ,sInnertext
' parameter:
' notes: To CLick the Link in the Table. Table should be under OR.
Dim SetLink
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebTable(sTableName).Exist Then
bLinkexist = Trim(Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebTable(sTableName).ChildItemCount(sRow, sCol, "Link"))
If bLinkexist = 1 Then
Set SetLink = Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebTable(sTableName).ChildItem(sRow, sCol, "Link", 0)
SetLinkName = Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebTable(sTableName).GetCellData(sRow, sCol)
Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_PASS, "Click Link in a Table ", "Link '" & SetLinkName & "' in table at " & CStr(sRow) & ", Column " & CStr(sCol) & " is clicked Successfully .")
Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_WARNING, "Click Link in a Table ", "Link '" & SetLinkName & "' in table at " & CStr(sRow) & ", Column " & CStr(sCol) & " is not found.")
End If
Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_FAIL, "Click Link in a Table ", "Web Table '" & CStr(sTableName) & "' not found in a given Page :" & CStr(sPageName) & ".")
End If
End Sub
Sub ClickButton_JL(sBrowserName, sPageName, sButton_Name, iIndx,iTestNo)
' method: ClickButton
' returns: None
' parameter: sType,sButton_Name,iIndx
' notes: It will clicks on the given button in the page/application.
'Msgbox "Button:"&Browser("creationtime:=1","name:="&sBrowserName).Page("title:="&sPageName).WebButton("html tag:=BUTTON", "name:=" & sButton_Name, "type:=button", "index:=" & iIndx).Exist
If Browser("creationtime:=1","name:="&sBrowserName).Page("title:="&sPageName).WebButton("html tag:=BUTTON", "name:=" & sButton_Name, "type:=button", "index:=" & iIndx).Exist Then
Browser("creationtime:=1","name:="&sBrowserName).Page("title:="&sPageName).WebButton("html tag:=BUTTON", "name:=" & sButton_Name, "type:=button", "index:=" & iIndx).Click
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Click on the button", " Name ' " & sButton_Name & "' found and clicked Sucessfully." )
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Click on the button", " Name ' " & sButton_Name & "' not found to click." )
End If
End Sub
Function ObjectExists(sBrowserName, sPageName, sObjectName, sObjectType,iTestNo)
' method: ObjectExists()
' returns: Pass/Fail of the execution(0/1).
' parameter: sObjectName: Name of the object which to be verified.
' parameter: sObjectType: Type of the object can be verified are :-
' notes: This function verifies whether passed object as input is found or not.
Dim sTitle
Select Case sObjectType
Case "WebElement":
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebElement(sObjectName).Exist Then
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Verify Object ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is existed." )
ObjectExists = "True"
'Reporter.ReportEvent MicPass, "Verified Object ", " Test ID " & sTestID & "-" & sObjectType & "Name and Type " & sObjectName & " " & sObjectType & vbCrLf & " is existed in the correct location."
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Verify Object ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is not existed." )
ObjectExists = "False"
End If
Case "WebButton":
'msgbox Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).Exist
'msgbox Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebButton("html tag:=BUTTON", "name:=" & sObjectName, "type:=button", "index:=" & iIndex).Exist
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebButton("html tag:=BUTTON", "name:=" & sObjectName, "type:=button", "index:=" & iIndex).Exist Then
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Verify Object ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is existed." )
ObjectExists = "True"
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Verify Object ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is not existed." )
ObjectExists = "False"
End If
Case "WebRadioGroup":
Dim iWebRadioButtonGroupItems
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebRadioGroup("html tag:=INPUT", "name:=" & sObjectName, "index:=" & iIndex).Exist Then
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Verify Object ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is existed." )
ObjectExists = "True"
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Verify Object ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is not existed." )
ObjectExists = "False"
End If
Case "WebCheckBox":
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebCheckBox("index:=" & iIndex, "name:=" & sObjectName).Exist Then
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Verify Object ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is existed." )
ObjectExists = "True"
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Verify Object ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is not existed." )
ObjectExists = "False"
End If
Case "WebEdit":
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebEdit("name:=" & sObjectName, "type:=text", "index:=" & iIndex).Exist Then
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Verify Object ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is existed." )
ObjectExists = "True"
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Verify Object ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is not existed." )
ObjectExists = "False"
End If
Case "Link":
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).Link("html tag:=A", "text:=" & sObjectName, "index:=" & iIndex).Exist Then
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Verify Object ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is existed." )
ObjectExists = "True"
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Verify Object ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is not existed." )
ObjectExists = "False"
End If
Case "WebList":
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebList("name:=" & sObjectName, "html tag:=SELECT", "index:=" & iIndex).Exist Then
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Verify Object ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is existed." )
ObjectExists = "True"
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Verify Object ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is not existed." )
ObjectExists = "False"
End If
Case "Image":
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).Image(sObjectName).Exist Then
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Verify Object ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is existed." )
ObjectExists = "True"
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Verify Object ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is not existed." )
ObjectExists = "False"
End If
Case "WebTable":
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebTable(sObjectName).Exist Then
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Verify Object ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is existed." )
ObjectExists = "True"
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Verify Object ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is not existed." )
ObjectExists = "False"
End If
Case "Browser":
If Browser(sBrowserName).Exist Then
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Verify Object ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is existed." )
ObjectExists = "True"
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Verify Object ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is not existed." )
ObjectExists = "False"
End If
Case "WinButton":
If Browser(sBrowserName).Dialog(sPageName).WinButton("text:=" & sObjectName).Exist Then
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Verify Object ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is existed." )
ObjectExists = "True"
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Verify Object ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is not existed." )
ObjectExists = "False"
End If
End Select
End Function
Sub ClickLink(sBrowserName, sPageName, sFrame, sLink_Name, iIndexLink,iTestNo)
' method: ClickLink
' returns: None
' parameter: sFrame,sLink_Name,iIndexLink. The sFrame should be Null be if it has to click in Normal Page.
' notes: It will Clicks on the given link in the page/application.
If Trim(sFrame) <> "" Then
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).frame(sFrame).Link("html tag:=A", "text:=" & sLink_Name, "index:=" & iIndexLink).Exist Then
Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).frame(sFrame).Link("html tag:=A", "text:=" & sLink_Name, "index:=" & iIndexLink).Click
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Click on the link", " Name ' " & sLink_Name & "' found and clicked Sucessfully." )
Reporter.ReportEvent MicPass, "Click on the link" , " Name '" &sLink_Name & "' found and clicked Sucessfully."
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Click on the link", " Name ' " & sLink_Name & "' not found to click." )
End If
'Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).Link("html tag:=A", "index:=" & iIndexLink, "name:=" & sLink_Name).Highlight
'msgbox Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).Link("html tag:=A", "index:=" & iIndexLink, "name:=" & sLink_Name).Exist
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).Link("html tag:=A", "index:=" & iIndexLink, "name:=" & sLink_Name).Exist Then
Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).Link("html tag:=A", "index:=" & iIndexLink, "name:=" & sLink_Name).Click
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Click on the link", " Name ' " & sLink_Name & "' found and clicked Sucessfully." )
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Click on the link", " Name ' " & sLink_Name & "' not found to click." )
'Reporter.ReportEvent MicFail, "Click on the link , name ", sLink_Name & " not found to click."
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub ClickButtonInFrame(sBrowserName, sPageName, sFrame, sButton_Name, iIndx,iTestNo)
' method: ClickButtonInFrame
' returns: none
' parameter: sFrame,sButton_Name,iIndx
' notes: It will clicks on the given button in the page/application.
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).frame(sFrame).WebButton("html tag:=INPUT", "name:=" & sButton_Name, "type:=button", "index:=" & iIndx).Exist Then
Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).frame(sFrame).WebButton("html tag:=INPUT", "name:=" & sButton_Name, "type:=button", "index:=" & iIndx).Click
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Click on the button in the frame ", " Name ' " & sButton_Name & "' and clicked successfully." )
'Reporter.ReportEvent MicPass, "Click on the button in the frame '", sButton_Name & "' and clicked successfully."
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Click on the button in the frame ", " Name ' " & sButton_Name & "' not found to click." )
'Reporter.ReportEvent MicFail, "Click on the button in the frame '", sButton_Name & "' not found to click."
End If
End Sub
Sub ImageLinkClick(sBrowserName, sPageName, sImgFileName, iIndex,iTestNo)
' method: ImageLinkClick
' returns: None
' parameter: sImgName, iIndex
' notes: This will clicks on the given image link in the page/application.' END
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).Image("file name:= " & sImgFileName, "html tag:=IMG","image type:=Image Link", "index:="&iIndex).Exist Then
Browser(sBrowserName).Page("Journal Listing").Image("file name:= " & sImgFileName,"html tag:=IMG","image type:=Image Link", "index:="&iIndex).Highlight
Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).Image("file name:= " & sImgFileName, "html tag:=IMG","image type:=Image Link", "index:="&iIndex).Click
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Click on the Image ", " Name ' " & sImgFileName & "' and clicked successfully." )
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Click on the Image ", " Name ' " & sImgFileName & "' not found to click." )
End If
End Sub
Sub ImageClick(sBrowserName, sPageName, sImgFileName, iIndex,iTestNo)
' method: ImageClick
' returns: None
' parameter: sImgName, iIndex
' notes: This will clicks on the given image link in the page/application.
Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).Image("file name:= " & sImgFileName, "html tag:=IMG", "index:=" & iIndex).Highlight
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).Image("file name:= " & sImgFileName, "html tag:=IMG", "index:=" & iIndex).Exist Then
Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).Image("file name:= " & sImgFileName, "html tag:=IMG", "index:=" & iIndex).Click
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Click on the Image ", " Name ' " & sImgFileName & "' and clicked successfully." )
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Click on the Image ", " Name ' " & sImgFileName & "' not found to click." )
End If
End Sub
Sub EnterData(sBrowserName, sPageName, sEdName, sValue,iTestNo)
' method: EnterData
' returns: None
' parameter: sEdName,sValue
' notes: This will enter the given data in the given text box
'msgbox Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).Exist
'msgbox sEdName&" "&Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebEdit("name:="& sEdName,"index:=" & iIndex).Exist
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebEdit("name:=" & sEdName,"index:=" & iIndex).Exist(1) Then
Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebEdit("name:=" & sEdName, "index:=" & iIndex).Set sValue
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Enter data in the EditBox ", " Name '" & CStr(sEdName) & "' is exist and data '" & CStr(sValue) & "' is entered." )
'Reporter.ReportEvent MicPass, "Enter data in the field name ", CStr(sEdName) + "is exist and data" + CStr(sValue) + " is entered."
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Enter data in the EditBox ", " Name '" & CStr(sEdName) & "' not exists.")
'Reporter.ReportEvent MicFail, "Enter data in the field name ", sEdName & " not exist."
End If
End Sub
Sub OperateCheckBox(sBrowserName, sPageName, sControlName, sOptValue,iTestNo)
' method: OperateCheckBox(sControlName,sDataValue)
' returns: None
' parameter: sControlName is name of the control
' parameter: sDataValue is Value that needs to be selected the radio button
' notes: Selection Check box is option made ON/OFF.
'msgbox Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebCheckBox(sControlName).Exist
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebCheckBox(sControlName).Exist Then
Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_PASS, "Operate CheckBox", " Name '" & sControlName & "'check box exists.")
Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebCheckBox(sControlName).Set sOptValue
If sOptValue = "ON" Then
Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_PASS, "Operate CheckBox", " Name '" & sControlName & "' Selection Check box is option made ON.")
Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_PASS, "Operate CheckBox", " Name '" & sControlName & "' Selection Check box is option made OFF.")
End If
Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_FAIL, "Operate CheckBox", " Name '" & sControlName & "' check box doesn't exists.")
End If
End Sub
Sub SelectRadioButton(sBrowserName, sPageName, sName, iOption,iTestNo)
' method: SelectRadioButton
' returns: None
' parameter: sName as name of the WebRadio Group
' parameter: iOption as name of Radiobutton/option
' notes: It will selects radio button in Radiogroup .
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebRadioGroup("html tag:=INPUT", "name:=" & sName, "index:=" & iIndex).Exist Then
Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebRadioGroup("html tag:=INPUT", "name:=" & sName, "index:=" & iIndex).Select iOption
Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_PASS, "Select Radio Button", " Name '" & sName & "' is exist and option "&iOption &" is selected.")
Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_FAIL, "Select Radio Button", " Name '" & sName & "' not found to select.")
End If
End Sub
Sub CloseAllBrowsers(sBrowser,iTestNo)
' class: clsCommonFunctions
' method: CloseAllBrowsers (sBrowser)
' returns: None
' parameter: sBrowser: Name of the Browser
' notes: Close all browser instances
' End
Dim iCtr
Dim bFlag
Dim hFrameHwnd
Dim hLastHwnd
Dim dtHandles
Dim sFramename
'HWId= Window("regexpwndclass:=IEFrame","index:=*").GetROProperty("Hwnd")
'msgbox Browser("hwnd:="& HWId).Dialog("regexpwndtitle:=Microsoft Internet Explorer","index:=*").Highlight
hFrameHwnd = Window("regexpwndclass:=IEFrame","index:=*").GetROProperty("Hwnd")
'msgbox Browser("Hwnd:="& hFrameHwnd).Dialog("regexpwndtitle:=Microsoft Internet Explorer","index:=*").Exist
if Browser("Hwnd:="& hFrameHwnd).Dialog("regexpwndtitle:=Microsoft Internet Explorer","index:=*").Exist(1) then
'Browser("Hwnd:="& hFrameHwnd,"index:=*").Dialog("text:=Microsoft Internet Explorer").highlight
Browser("Hwnd:="& hFrameHwnd).Dialog("regexpwndtitle:=Microsoft Internet Explorer","index:=*").Close
End if
'if false then '*** remove the block later
If UCase(sBrowser) = "IE" Then
sFramename = "IEFrame"
sFramename = "MozillaWindowClass"
End If
iCtr = 0
bFlag = 1
Set dtHandles = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
While (Window("regexpwndclass:=" & sFramename, "index:=" & iCtr).Exist And bFlag)
Wait 1
hFrameHwnd = Window("regexpwndclass:=" & sFramename, "index:=" & iCtr).GetROProperty("Hwnd")
If (hLastHwnd = hFrameHwnd) Then
bFlag = 0
dtHandles.Add CStr(dtHandles.Count), hFrameHwnd
iCtr = iCtr + 1
End If
hLastHwnd = hFrameHwnd
For iCtr = 0 To dtHandles.Count - 1
hFrameHwnd = dtHandles.Item(CStr(iCtr))
If not strcomp(Window("regexpwndclass:="& sFramename, "index:=" & iCtr).GetROProperty("name"),"Welcome to Verizon Conferencing") = 0 then
'Window("regexpwndclass:="& sFramename, "index:=" & iCtr).highlight
'msgbox Window("regexpwndclass:="& sFramename, "index:=" & iCtr).GetROProperty("name")
Window("hwnd:=" & hFrameHwnd).Close
'msgbox Window("regexpwndclass:="& sFramename, "index:=" & iCtr).GetROProperty("name")
End if
'Window("hwnd:=" & hFrameHwnd).Close
'End If
'End if '*** remove the block later
End Sub
Function FrameObjectExists(sBrowserName, sPageName, sObjectName, sObjectType, sFramename,iTestNo)
' method: ObjectExists(sObjectName,sObjectType)
' returns: Pass/Fail of the execution(0/1).
' parameter: sObjectName: Name of the object which to be verified.
' parameter: sObjectType: Type of the object can be verified are :-
' notes: This function verifies whether passed object as input is found or not in frame.
Dim sTitle
Select Case sObjectType
Case "WebElement":
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).frame(sFramename).WebElement(sObjectName).Exist Then
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Verify Object in Frame ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is existed." )
Reporter.ReportEvent MicPass, "Object in the frame ", "The " & sObjectName & " " & sObjectType & " is existed."
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Verify Object in Frame ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is not existed." )
End If
Case "WebRadioGroup":
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).frame(sFramename).WebRadioGroup(sObjectName).Exist Then
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Verify Object in Frame ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is existed." )
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Verify Object in Frame ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is not existed." )
End If
Case "WebCheckBox":
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).frame(sFramename).WebCheckBox(sObjectName).Exist Then
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Verify Object in Frame ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is existed." )
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Verify Object in Frame ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is not existed." )
End If
Case "WebEdit":
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).frame(sFramename).WebEdit(sObjectName).Exist Then
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Verify Object in Frame ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is existed." )
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Verify Object in Frame ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is not existed." )
End If
Case "Link":
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).frame(sFramename).Link("html tag:=A", "text:=" & sObjectName, "index:=" & iIndex).Exist Then
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Verify Object in Frame ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is existed." )
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Verify Object in Frame ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is not existed." )
End If
Case "WebList":
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).frame(sFramename).WebList(sObjectName).Exist Then
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Verify Object in Frame ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is existed." )
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Verify Object in Frame ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is not existed." )
End If
Case "Image":
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).frame(sFramename).Image(sObjectName).Exist Then
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Verify Object in Frame ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is existed." )
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Verify Object in Frame ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is not existed." )
End If
Case "WebButton":
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).frame(sFramename).WebButton("html tag:=INPUT", "name:=" & sObjectName, "type:=button").Exist Then
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Verify Object in Frame ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is existed." )
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Verify Object in Frame ", "Name'" & sObjectName & "' and type '" & sObjectType & "' is not existed." )
End If
End Select
End Function
Function IsAlphaNumeric(sString,iTestNo)
' method: IsAlphaNumeric()
' returns: True/False of the execution
' parameter: sString as a String to Check the Data Type
' notes: Verifies whether String is an AlphaNumeric Type or not.
Dim iString, sStringWord, regEx, Matches
If sString = "" Then
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "No Value to Verify Data Type", "as a Alpha Numeric Number." )
For iString = 1 To Len(sString)
sStringWord = Mid(sString, iString, 1)
Set regEx = New RegExp
regEx.Global = True
regEx.IgnoreCase = True
regEx.Pattern = "[A-Z][a-z][0-9]"
Set Matches = regEx.Execute(sStringWord)
If Matches.Count = 0 Then
IsAlphaNumeric = False
Set Matches = Nothing
Set regEx = Nothing
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, " Value : " & CStr(sString), "not a Alpha Numeric Number." )
Exit Function
End If
IsAlphaNumeric = True
Set Matches = Nothing
Set regEx = Nothing
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, " Value : " & CStr(sString), "is an Alpha Numeric Number." )
End If
End Function
Function GetWebListItems(sBrowserName, sPageName, sWebListName,iTestNo)
' method: GetWebListItems()
' returns: All the WebList Items
' parameter: sWebListName : Name of the WebEdit to read All Items
' notes: This is used to display items of a Web List in Page
Dim iWebListItemsCount
Dim iItem
Dim sSelectedItem
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebList("name:=" & sWebListName, "html tag:=SELECT", "index:=" & iIndex).Exist Then
'Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebList("name:="&sWebListName ,"html tag:=SELECT","index:="&iIndex).Select 0
iWebListItemsCount = Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebList("name:=" & sWebListName, "html tag:=SELECT", "index:=" & iIndex).GetROProperty("items count")
sWebListAllitems = Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebList("name:=" & sWebListName, "html tag:=SELECT", "index:=" & iIndex).GetROProperty("all items")
For iItem = 0 To iWebListItemsCount - 1
aWebListArray = Split(sWebListAllitems, ";")
sAllitems = Join(aWebListArray)
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Get WebListItems ", "Name'" & CStr(sWebListName) & "' Contains " & CStr(iWebListItemsCount) & " Items and " & " Items in Web List are : " & CStr(sAllitems)&"." )
Reporter.ReportEvent MicPass, " Web List: " & CStr(sWebListName) & " Contains " & CStr(iWebListItemsCount) & " Items ", " Items in Web List are : " & CStr(sAllitems)
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Get WebListItems ", "Name'" & CStr(sWebListName) & "' Contains " & CStr(iWebListItemsCount) & " Items and " & " Items in Web List are not Found in Web List." )
GetWebListItems = sWebListAllitems
End If
End Function
Function IsNumericValue(sNumericValue)
' method: IsNumericValue(sNumericValue)
' returns: True/False of the execution
' parameter: sNumericValue: String to Check the Data Type
' notes: Verifies whether String is an Numeric Type or not.
Dim iString, sStringWord, regEx, Matches
If sString = "" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent MicPass, "No Value to Verify Data Type", "as a Numeric Number"
For iString = 1 To Len(sNumericValue)
sStringWord = Mid(sNumericValue, iString, 1)
Set regEx = New RegExp
regEx.Global = True
regEx.IgnoreCase = True
regEx.Pattern = "[0-9]"
Set Matches = regEx.Execute(sStringWord)
If Matches.Count = 0 Then
IsNumericValue = False
Set Matches = Nothing
Set regEx = Nothing
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Verify Data Type: ", "'"& CStr(sNumericValue) &"' is a Not a Numeric Value.")
Exit Function
End If
IsNumericValue = True
Set Matches = Nothing
Set regEx = Nothing
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Verify Data Type: ", "'"& CStr(sNumericValue) &"' is a Numeric Value.")
End If
End Function
Function GetWebEditContent(sBrowserName, sPageName, sWebEditName,iTestNo)
' method: GetWebEditContent()
' returns: Run time WebEdit's Value
' parameter: sWebEditName as name of the WebEdit
' notes: This is used to get the Run time WebEdit's Value
Dim sWebEditValue
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebEdit("type:=text", "name:=" & sWebEditName, "html tag:=INPUT", "index:=" & iIndex).Exist Then
sWebEditValue = Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebEdit("type:=text", "name:=" & sWebEditName, "html tag:=INPUT", "index:=" & iIndex).GetROProperty("Value")
GetWebEditContent = sWebEditValue
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Get WebEditContent: ", "Name '" &sWebEditName &"' Value Existed is: "& GetWebEditContent)
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Get WebEditContent: ", "Name '" &sWebEditName &"'does not Exists.")
End If
End Function
Sub VerifyWebEditContent(sBrowserName, sPageName, sWebEditName, sWebEditValue,iTestNo)
' method: VerifyWebEditContent()
' returns: None
' other methods: GetWebEditContent() is used to execute
' parameter: sWebEditName as name of the WebEdit to Verify
' parameter: sWebEditValue as expected value of the WebEdit to Verify
' notes: This is used to Verify Data of Web Edit
Dim sWebEditContent
sWebEditContent = GetWebEditContent(sBrowserName, sPageName, sWebEditName)
If (sWebEditContent <> "") Then
If (Trim(sWebEditContent) = Trim(sWebEditValue)) Then
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Verify Web Edit Contents ", "In WebEdit '"& sWebEditName &"' Expected value '"& sWebEditValue &"' is matched with Actual value '" &sWebEditContent &"'.")
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Verify Web Edit Contents ", "In WebEdit '"& sWebEditName &"' Expected value '"& sWebEditValue &"' is not matched with Actual value '" &sWebEditContent &"'.")
End If
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Verify Web Edit Contents ", "In WebEdit '"& sWebEditName &"' the values are empty to compare .")
End If
End Sub
Sub VerifyWebEditLength(sBrowserName, sPageName, sObjectName, sWebEditValue,iTestNo)
' method: VerifyWebEditLength()
' returns: None
' parameter: sObjectName as name of the WebEdit to Verify and Set
' parameter: sWebEditValue : Value of the WebEdit to Verify and Set
' notes: This is used to Verify Data of Web Edit and Set Data
Dim MyObjectExists
Dim iWebEditLength
Dim sCurrentValueofWebEdit
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebEdit("name:=" & sObjectName, "html tag:=INPUT", "type:=text", "index:=" & iIndex).Exist Then
iWebEditLength = Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebEdit("name:=" & sObjectName, "html tag:=INPUT", "type:=text", "index:=" & iIndex).GetROProperty("max length")
If (Len(sWebEditValue) > iWebEditLength) Then
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Verify Web Edit Contents ", "In WebEdit '"& sWebEditName &"' the values are empty to compare .")
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Verify WebEdit Length ", "In WebEdit '"& sObjectName &"' we can't set the Value : " & CStr(sWebEditValue) &" Exceeding the Max Length of Object.")
'It will set the data if the range is under the Edit Length
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Verify WebEdit Length ", "In WebEdit '"& sObjectName &"' we can set the Value : " & CStr(sWebEditValue) &" and the value is with in the Limit.")
EnterData sBrowserName, sPageName, sObjectName, sWebEditValue
End If
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Verify WebEdit Length ", "In WebEdit '"& sObjectName &"' doesn't Exists to check.")
End If
End Sub
Sub VerifyWebListDefaultValue(sBrowserName, sPageName, sWebListName, sString,iTestNo)
' method: VerifyWebListDefaultValue(sBrowserName,sPageName,sWebListName,sString)
' returns: None
' parameter: sWebListName as Name of the WebEdit to Verify the Default Value
' parameter: sString as Value of the WebEdit to Verify Default item
' notes: This is used to Verify Default item of a Web List in Page
Dim sBrowserName_MaintainSales
Dim sDefaultValue
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebList("name:=" & sWebListName, "html tag:=SELECT", "index:=" & iIndex).Exist Then
sWebListState = VerifyWebListState(sBrowserName, sPageName, sWebListName)
If (sWebListState = 0) Then
sDefaultValue = Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebList("name:=" & sWebListName, "html tag:=SELECT", "index:=" & iIndex).GetROProperty("Value")
If sDefaultValue <> "" Then
sDefaultValue = Replace(sDefaultValue, " ", "")
sString = Replace(sString, " ", "")
If InStr(Trim(LCase(sDefaultValue)), Trim(LCase(sString))) <> 0 Then
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Verify default value in Web List ", "The default value from application " & CStr(sDefaultValue) &" is matching with the expected default string " & CStr(sString)&".")
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL,"Verify default value in Web List ", "The default value from application " & CStr(sDefaultValue) &" is not matching with the expected default string " & CStr(sString)&".")
End If
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL,"Verify Web List Value ", "No items in Web List '" & CStr(sWebListName)&"' to check.")
'Reporter.ReportEvent MicPass, "Verify Web List Value ", "No items in Web List : : " & CStr(sWebListName)
End If
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL,"Verify Web List Value ", "Name '" & CStr(sWebListName)&"' is in Disabled State, So Unable to Verify the Web list Value.")
End If
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL,"Verify Web List Value ", "Name '" & CStr(sWebListName)&"'Doesn't Exists to Verify default list Value.")
End If
End Sub
Sub ClickWebAreaImage(sBrowserName, sPageName, sImgName,iTestNo)
' method: ClickWebAreaImage
' returns: None
' parameter: sImgName
' notes: This will clicks on the given image link in the page/application.
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebArea("alt:= " & sImgName, "html tag:=IMG").Exist Then
Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebArea("alt:= " & sImgName, "html tag:=IMG").Click
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS, "Image Click ","Name '" & CStr(sImgName)&"' is clicked.")
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Image Click ","Name '" & CStr(sImgName)&"' is not found to click.")
End If
End Sub
Function GetErrorMessages(sBrowserName, sDialogBox,iTestNo)
' method: GetErrorMessages(sBrowserName,sDialogBox)
' returns: Returns the Error Message from Application
' parameter: sBrowserName,sDialogBox
' notes: Returns Error Message to retrieve from specified Dialog
Dim sErrorMessage
If Browser(sBrowserName).Dialog(sDialogBox).Exist then
sErrorMessage = Trim(Browser(sBrowserName).Dialog(sDialogBox).GetVisibleText())
If sErrorMessage <> "" Then
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS,"Get ErrorMessages from Application","Name '" &sDialogBox &"' contains Message :" & CStr(sErrorMessage)&".")
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Get ErrorMessages from Application","Name '" &sDialogBox &"'No Message to retrieve from specified Dialog.")
End If
GetErrorMessages = sErrorMessage
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL, "Get ErrorMessages from Application","Name '" &sDialogBox &"'no specified Dialog box in the Page '"&sBrowserName&"' .")
End If
End Function
Function VerifyErrorMessages(sBrowserName, sDialogBox, sMessage,iTestNo)
' method: VerifyErrorMessages()
' other methods: GetErrorMessages() is used to execute
' returns: None
' parameter: sBrowserName,sMessage
' notes: Verifies the Error Message with Application Error Message
Dim sReadMessage
sReadMessage = GetErrorMessages(sBrowserName, sDialogBox,iTestNo)
If InStr(sMessage, ReadMessage) <> 0 Then
VerifyErrorMessages = "True"
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS," Verify the Error Messages ","Name '" &sDialogBox &"' having the message "&sReadMessage &"' is matching with the expected Message '" & CStr(sMessage)&"'.")
VerifyErrorMessages = "False"
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL," Verify the Error Messages ","Name '" &sDialogBox &"' having the message "&sReadMessage &"' is not matching with the expected Message '" & CStr(sMessage)&"'.")
End If
End Function
Sub VerifyWebEditState(sBrowserName, sPageName, sWebEditName, iIndex,iTestNo)
' method: VerifyWebEditState()
' notes: This is to retrieve the Disabled Property of an Web Edit Based on Index
' parameter: sWebEditName as Name of the Web Edit ,iIndex : Number of the WEeb Edit in Page
Dim sWebWebEditState
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebEdit("name:=" & sWebEditName, "html tag:=INPUT", "index:=" & iIndex).Exist then
sWebWebEditState = Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebEdit("name:=" & sWebEditName, "html tag:=INPUT", "index:=" & iIndex).GetROProperty("disabled")
If (Trim(sWebWebEditState) = 0) Then
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS," Check WebEdit State ","Name '" &sWebEditName &"' is in enabled State.")
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL," Check WebEdit State ","Name '" &sWebEditName &"' is in disabled State.")
End If
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL," Check WebEdit State ","Name '" &sWebEditName &"' doesn't exists.")
End If
End Sub
Sub VerifyRadiobuttonState(sBrowserName, sPageName, sWebRadioGroupName, sWebRadioButtonName,iIndex,iTestNo)
' method: VerifySelectedRadiobutton()
' notes: This is to Verify the Name of the Radio Button Seleted or Not Selected
' parameter: sWebRadioGroupName as name of the Web Radio Group ,sWebRadioButtonName as name of the Radio Button to Verify
Dim sSelectedWebRadioButtonName
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebRadioGroup("html tag:=INPUT", "name:=" & sWebRadioGroupName,"index:=&iIndex").Exist Then
sSelectedWebRadioButtonName = Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebRadioGroup("html tag:=INPUT", "name:=" & sWebRadioGroupName,"index:=&iIndex").GetROProperty("Value")
If StrComp(sSelectedWebRadioButtonName, sWebRadioButtonName) = 0 Then
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS," Check RadioButton State ","Name '" &sWebRadioButtonName &"'is selected .")
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_PASS," Check RadioButton State ","Name '" &sWebRadioButtonName &"'is selected .")
Reporter.ReportEvent MicFail, " Verification of a NoN Selected Web Radio Button", "Name of the radio button Not Selected is :" & CStr(sWebRadioButtonName)
End If
Call GenerateTestStatus (iTestNo,FCR_FAIL," Check RadioButton State ","Name '" &sWebRadioButtonName &"'doesn't exist.")
End If
End Sub
Sub ClickTableDataLink(sBrowserName,sPageName,sTableName, sRow, sCol,iTestNo)
' method: ClickTableDataLink()
' returns: None
' parameter: sRow,sCol as Row &Col
' parameter:
' notes: * To click on Link in a Table
Dim sLink, sLinkName
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebTable(sTableName).Exist Then
'Check required object is present in the specified cell
sLinkName = GetCellData(sBrowserName, sPageName, sTableName, sRow, sCol,iTestNo)
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebTable(sTableName).ChildItem(sRow, sCol, GM_LINK, GM_ZERO).Exist Then
Set sLink = Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebTable(sTableName).ChildItem(sRow, sCol, GM_LINK, GM_ZERO)
If sLinkName <> "" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent MicPass, "Click a Table Link" & CStr(sTableName), "Sucessfully Clicked on Link : " & CStr(sLinkName)
Reporter.ReportEvent MicFail, "Click a Table Link" & CStr(sTableName), "Cell is Empty to clic Link : " & CStr(sLinkName)
End If
Reporter.ReportEvent MicFail,"Click a Table Link"&Cstr(sTableName),"Link '"&Cstr(sLinkName)&"' Doesnot exist in the Row: '"&sRow&"' Column: '"&sCol
End If
Reporter.ReportEvent MicPass, "Click a Table Link" & CStr(sTableName), "Table Doesn't Exist"
End If
Set sLink = Nothing
End Sub
Sub VerifyTableTextNotNull(sBrowserName, sPageName, sTableName, sRow, sCol,iTestNo)
' method: VerifyTableTextNotNull(sBrowserName,sPageName,sTableName,sRow,sCol)
' returns:
' parameter: sBrowserName,sPageName,sTableName,sRow,sCol
' parameter:
' notes: Verifies Data from a Specific Cell of the table is present or not
Dim sCellData
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebTable(sTableName).Exist Then
sCellData = GetCellData(sBrowserName, sPageName, sTableName, sRow, sCol,iTestNo)
If Trim(sCellData) <> "" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent MicPass, " Cell Data of Table : " & CStr(sTableName), " there is No Value in Cell " & CStr(sRow) & " ::" & CStr(sCol)
End If
Reporter.ReportEvent MicFail, "Verify Page Name", sTableName & " doesn't exist."
End If
End Sub
Sub OperateTableCheckBox(sBrowserName, sPageName, sTableName, sRow, sCol, sOperation,iTestNo)
' method: OperateTableCheckBox()
' returns:
' parameter: sRow,sCol as Row &Col to Select/Deselect any Check Box of a Table
' parameter:
' notes: Selection Check box in the Specified table is option made ON/OFF .
Dim SetCheckBox
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebTable(sTableName).Exist Then
Set SetCheckBox = Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebTable(sTableName).ChildItem(sRow, sCol, "WebCheckBox", 0)
SetCheckBox.Set sOperation
Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_PASS, "Operate Check Box in Table ", "Check Box '" & sCheckBox & "' in table at Row" & CStr(sRow) & ", Column " & CStr(sCol) & " is made "&sOperation&".")
'Reporter.ReportEvent MicPass, "Web Table : " & CStr(sTableName), " Check Box in Row :" & CStr(sRow) & ":: of Column" & CStr(sCol) & " is set as " & CStr(sOperation)
Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_WARNING, "Operate Check Box in Table ", "Check Box '" & sCheckBox & "' in table at " & CStr(sRow) & ", Column " & CStr(sCol) & " is not found.")
'Reporter.ReportEvent MicFail, "Web Table :" & CStr(sTableName), " not Found in given Page :" & CStr(sPageName)
End If
End Sub
Function GetNumObjectsinTable(sBrowserName, sPageName, sTableName, sObject,iTestNo)
' method: GetNumObjectsinTable()
' returns:
' parameter: sObject as Type of the Object type to Check in Table
' notes: Returns number of Objects in a Table
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebTable(sTableName).Exist Then
sCounter = 0
For sRow = 1 To Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebTable(sTableName).GetROProperty("rows")
ObjectExist = Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebTable(sTableName).ChildItemCount(sRow, sCol, sObject)
If ObjectExist = 1 Then
sCounter = sCounter + 1
End If
Reporter.ReportEvent MicPass, "Type of the Object :" & CStr(sObject), "Number of Objects in Table are :" & CStr(sCounter)
Reporter.ReportEvent MicFail, "Web Table :" & CStr(sTableName), " not Found in given Page :" & CStr(sPageName)
End If
GetNumObjectsinTable = sCounter
End Function
Sub VerifyStringLength(sBrowserName,sPageName,sString, sLen,iTestNo)
' method: VerifyStringLength()
' returns: None
' parameter: sString as String ,sLen as Lenght of the String to Verify with
' notes: To verify for Expected String Length
If Trim(Len(sString)) = Trim(sLen) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent MicPass, "Verification of length of a String : " & CStr(sString), "Sucessfully Verified Length of a String : " & CStr(sLen)
Reporter.ReportEvent MicFail, "Verification of length of a String : " & CStr(sString), "Length of a String not Simliar " & CStr(sLen)
End If
End Sub
Sub Compare_String(sStr1, sStr2,sPageName,iTestNo)
' method: Compare_String(sStr1,sStr2)
' returns:
' parameter: sStr1:String 1 ;sStr2:String 2
' notes: Compares the given two strings.
If StrComp(Trim(sStr1), Trim(sStr2)) = 0 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Compare String", "Given Strings are Similar "&vbNewLine&" String1: "&sStr1&vbNewLine&"String2: "&sStr2
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Compare String", "Given Strings are not Similar "&vbNewLine&" String1: "&sStr1&vbNewLine&"String2: "&sStr2
End If
End Sub
Sub AlertMessage_Close(sBrowserName, sDialogBox, sClick,iTestNo)
' ** NOTE: Make Sure You add OK /Cancel Button in your Object Repository File (*.tsr) **
' method: AlertMessage_Close()
' returns: None.
' parameter: None
' notes: This method is to close pop up window
If Browser(sBrowserName).Dialog(sDialogBox).Exist Then
Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_PASS, "Close Alert DialogBox", "DialogBox '" & sDialogBox & "' has closed successfully.")
Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_FAIL, "Close Alert DialogBox", "DialogBox '" & sDialogBox & "' does not exist.")
End If
End Sub
Sub SelectMultipleWebListItems(sBrowserName, sPageName, sLstName, iItems, iIndex,iTestNo)
' method: SelectMultipleWebListItems
' returns: none
' parameter: sLstName,sValue,iIndex
' notes: This will selects Items from the given list box based on the specified item count
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebList("name:=" & sLstName, "html tag:=SELECT", "index:=" & iIndex).Exist Then
Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebList("name:=" & sLstName, "html tag:=SELECT", "index:=" & iIndex).Select 0
For iSelect = 0 To iItems
Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebList("name:=" & sLstName, "html tag:=SELECT", "index:=" & iIndex).ExtendSelect Int(iSelect)
sSelectedValue = Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebList("name:=" & sLstName, "html tag:=SELECT", "index:=" & iIndex).GetROProperty("value")
Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_PASS, "Select Multiple WebListItems", "WebList '" & sLstName & "' is exist and data selected is '" & CStr(sSelectedValue) & "' .")
Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_FAIL, "Select Multiple WebListItems", "WebList '" & sLstName & "' doesn't exists .")
End If
End Sub
Sub ClickWebFile(sBrowserName, sPageName, sFileName,iTestNo)
' method: ClickWebFile
' returns: It will clicks on the given Webfile in the page/application.
' parameter: sType,sFileName
' notes:
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebFile("html tag:=INPUT", "name:=" & sFileName, "type:=file").Exist Then
Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebFile("html tag:=INPUT", "name:=" & sFileName, "type:=file").Click
Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_PASS, "Click WebFile", "WebFile '" & sFileName & "' is Clicked Successfully .")
Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_FAIL, "Click WebFile", "WebFile '" & sFileName & "' is unable to Click .")
End If
End Sub
Sub PopUpWindow_Close(sBrowserName)
'method: PopUpWindow_Close()
'returns: None
'parameter: sBrowserName
'Notes: PopUp Window appeared as browser page will be closed
Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_DONE, "Close PopUp Window ", "PopUp Window appeared as browser page as '" & sBrowserName & "' is Closed Successfully .")
End Sub
Function IsAlphabatic(sExpString,iTestNo)
' method: IsAlphaNumeric(sString)
' returns: True/False of the execution
' parameter: sString: String to Check the Data Type
' notes: This is used to check whether String is an Alphabetic Type or not.
Dim iString, sStringWord, regEx, Matches, sString, sString1, sString2, sString3
If sExpString = "" Then
Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_DONE, "Is Alphabatic ", "No Value to Verify Data Type.")
sString1 = Replace(sExpString, " ", GM_NULL) ' To Remove Spaces in the ExpString
sString2 = Replace(sString1, ".", GM_NULL) ' To Remove "." in the ExpString
sString3 = Replace(sString2, "-", GM_NULL) ' To Remove "-" in the ExpString
sString = Replace(sString3, "'", GM_NULL)
For iString = 1 To Len(sString)
sStringWord = Mid(sString, iString, 1)
Set regEx = New RegExp
regEx.Global = True
regEx.IgnoreCase = True
regEx.Pattern = "[A-Z][a-z]"
Set Matches = regEx.Execute(sStringWord)
If Matches.Count = 0 Then
IsAlphabatic = False
Set Matches = Nothing
Set regEx = Nothing
Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_FAIL, "Is Alphabatic ", "Expected String '" & sExpString & "' not an Alphabatic Value.")
Exit Function
End If
IsAlphabatic = True
Set Matches = Nothing
Set regEx = Nothing
Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_PASS, "Is Alphabatic ", "Expected String '" & sExpString & "' is an Alphabatic Value.")
End If
End Function
Sub OperateTableRadioButton(sBrowserName, sPageName, sTableName, sRow, sCol, iNum,iTestNo)
' method: OperateTableCheckBox()
' returns:
' parameter: sRow,sCol : Row &Col to Select/Deselect any Check Box of a Table
' parameter:
' notes: To Select the RadioButton in the Table
Dim SetRadioButton
If Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebTable(sTableName).Exist Then
sRadioButtonexist = Trim(Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebTable(sTableName).ChildItemCount(sRow, sCol, "WebRadioGroup"))
If sRadioButtonexist = 1 Then
Set SetRadioButton = Browser(sBrowserName).Page(sPageName).WebTable(sTableName).ChildItem(sRow, sCol, "WebRadioGroup", 0)
SetRadioButton.Select iNum
sWebRadButton = GetCellData(sBrowserName, sPageName, sTableName, sRow, sCol,iTestNo)
Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_PASS, "Operate Radio Button in Table ", "Radio Button '" & sWebRadButton & "' in table at " & CStr(sRow) & ", Column " & CStr(sCol) & " is selected Successfully .")
Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_WARNING, "Operate Radio Button in Table ", "Radio Button '" & sWebRadButton & "' in table at " & CStr(sRow) & ", Column " & CStr(sCol) & " is not found.")
End If
Call GenerateTestStatus(iTestNo, FCR_FAIL, "Operate Radio Button in Table ", "Web Table '" & CStr(sTableName) & "' not found in a given Page :" & CStr(sPageName) & ".")
End If
End Sub