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Customised HTML Result Report for UFT/QTP with ScreenShots in HP ALM TestSet attached.

On Error Resume Next
'Module Name            :    GenerateCustomReport.qfl
' Author                    :    Jay
'Date Created            :     13/11/2014
'Description                :     The library contains various functions that are used to generate a Custom HTML report
'Project/Test Specific Variables
Public blnGlobalHTMLReport : blnGlobalHTMLReport = True     ' is a global variable. If this is set to true then Custom HTML Reporting will be enabled for the Test
Public blnGlobalQTPReport : blnGlobalQTPReport = True         ' is a global variable. If this is set to FALSE then the Reporter events will NOT be logged by this function only. Reporter events called outside this function will be logged
Environment.Value("strProjectName") = "Sample_ProjectName"                              ' The Project name
Environment.Value("ResultPath")  = "C:\Temp"                                  'The local system path whether the HTML reports should be saved

'Global Variables used for HTML Reporting. These variables are using by the functions internally to track the number of verification points and whether the scripts is execute form QC
Public blnIsExecFromQC : blnIsExecFromQC = False
Public intPassCounter : intPassCounter= 0
Public intFailCounter : intFailCounter= 0
Public intVerificationNo : intVerificationNo= 0
Public intWarningCounter : intWarningCounter = 0

'Function Name                            :    Initialize_HTML_Report
' Author                        :    Jay
'Description                    :    Function to create QTP Custom Reporting in HTML format
'Notes                        :    This step should be called at the start of the test
'Input Parameter                         :    None
'Return Value                                :    None
'Date Created                                :    13/11/2014
Function Initialize_HTML_Report()  
    Dim strTimeStampDate, strTimeStampTime
    Dim objFSO, ResFile
    Dim strResPath, strTempTestName
    Dim objCurTestSet
    Dim arrFolders, strTempFold, i
    Dim strHeadColor : strHeadColor="#12579D"

    If blnGlobalHTMLReport Then
        'Identify whether the Script is executed for QC or Not
        If QCUtil.IsConnected Then
            Set objCurTestSet = QCUtil.CurrentTestSetTest
            If objCurTestSet is Nothing Then
                blnIsExecFromQC = False
                blnIsExecFromQC = True
            End If
            blnIsExecFromQC = False
        End If
        strTimeStampDate = Month(Now) & "-" & Day(Now) & "-" & Year(Now)
        strTimeStampTime =  Hour(Now) & "_" & Minute(Now)
        'Create the Results Path based on Current Time  
        strResPath = Environment.Value("ResultPath") & "\" & "HTML Results\" & strTimeStampDate & "\" & Environment.Value("TestName") &"_" & strTimeStampTime
        Environment.Value("strResPath") = strResPath
        Environment.Value("strScreenShotPath") = strResPath & "\ScreenShots"

        'Create the Results File Name based on Current Time        
        strTempTestName =  "TestResult" &"_" & strTimeStampTime & ".html"                                   
        Environment.Value("strResFile") = strResPath & "\" & strTempTestName
        'Create the Folder If required
        Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
        If Not objFSO.FolderExists(Environment.Value("strScreenShotPath") ) Then
            arrFolders = Split(Environment.Value("strScreenShotPath") ,"\")
            strTempFold = arrFolders(0)
            For i = 1 to UBound(arrFolders)
                strTempFold = strTempFold & "\" & arrFolders(i)
                If Not objFSO.FolderExists(strTempFold) Then
                End If
        End If
        'Create a HTML Report file
        Set ResFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(Environment.Value("strResFile")True)
        Reporter.ReportEvent micInfo,"ReportFile Created","Path: " & Environment.Value("strResFile")
        'Open the HTML file for writing
        If Not objFso.FileExists(Environment.Value("strResFile"))Then
            Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Open Report FIle","File Not Found." & Vblf & Environment.Value("strResFile")           
            Exit Function
        End If
        Set ResFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(Environment.Value("strResFile"),8)
        'Create the Report header
        ResFile.Writeline("& "Content-Language" & "content=" & "en-us>")
        ResFile.Writeline("& "Content-Type" & "content=" & "text/html; charset=windows-1252" & ">")
        ResFile.Writeline(" Test Case Automation Execution Results")
 "#000000 id=table1 width=900 height=31 cellspacing=0 bordercolorlight=" & "#FFFFFF>")       
        ResFile.Writeline(" " )
        ResFile.Writeline("& strHeadColor & ">")
 chr(34)&"Copperplate Gothic Bold"&chr(34) & "> " & Environment.Value("TestName")  & " - Automation Execution Results" & "& chr(34)&"Copperplate Gothic Bold"&chr(34) & "> ")
        ResFile.Writeline(" " )
        ResFile.Writeline("& strHeadColor & ">")
& " "& "PROJECT: " &   Environment.Value("strProjectName"))
        ResFile.Writeline("& strHeadColor & ">")
& " "& "DATE: " &  strTimeStampDate & " " & Time )       
        'If the script is executed from QC report the Test Set Name and Test CurrentRun
        If blnIsExecFromQC Then
            ResFile.Writeline(" " )
            ResFile.Writeline("& strHeadColor & ">")
& " "& "QC TEST SET NAME: " &  QCUtil.CurrentTestSet.Name)
            ResFile.Writeline("& strHeadColor & ">")
& " "& "QC TEST RUN NAME: " &  QCUtil.CurrentRun.Name)
        End If

 "#000000 id=table1 width=900 height=31 cellspacing=0 bordercolorlight=" & "#FFFFFF>")                                                          
 "#000000 id=table1 width=900 height=31 cellspacing=0 bordercolorlight=" & "#FFFFFF>")
        ResFile.Writeline(" &  strHeadColor & ">")
        ResFile.Writeline("& "400")
 "center>& "Arial Narrow " & "size=" & "2" & ">" & "Iteration")
        ResFile.Writeline("& "400")
 "center>& "Arial Narrow " & "size=" & "2" & ">" & "Action Name")
        ResFile.Writeline("& "1600")
 "center>& "Arial Narrow " & "size=" & "2" & ">" & "Step Name")
        ResFile.Writeline("& "1600")
 "center>& "Arial Narrow " & "size=" & "2" & ">" & "Description")
        ResFile.Writeline("& "400")
 "center>& "Arial Narrow " & "size=" & "2" & ">" & "Status")
        ResFile.Writeline("& "400")
 "center>& "Arial Narrow " & "size=" & "2" & ">" & "Time")
        ResFile.Writeline("& "400")
 "center>& "Arial Narrow " & "size=" & "2" & ">" & "Screenshot")
        'Close the results File
        Set ResFile = Nothing
        Set objFSO = Nothing
    End If
End Function

'Function Name                    :     Custom_Report_Step
'Description                        :     To Add Report Steps to the Custom HTML Report
'Author                            :    Jay
'Notes                            :    The "Initialize_HTML_Report" function should be called before calling this function 
'Input Parameter                                  :     strStepName - The Step Name to be reported
'                                    strStepDetail - The Step Details to be reported
'                                    strStepStatus - The execution  status for the respective step
'                                    varReportParams - This parameter contains the following 5 parameter separated by "|"
'                                        1) blnQTPReport - Setting the Value to true will enable the Standard reporter event for the respective step ONLY
'                                        2) blnHTMLReport -  Setting the Value to true will enable the Custom HTML reporter event for the respective step ONLY
'                                        3) blnCaptureBitMap - If TRUE the desktop screenshot is captured. For all FAILED steps the screen shot will be captured irrespective of the parameter value
'                                        4)blnExitTest - If TRUE, The script execution will be stopped
'                                        5)blnExitAction - If TRUE, The action execution will be stopped and script will continue to run
'                                    If the Parameter is Invalid or empty its value will be set to DEFAULT
'                                    Default value would be "T|T|F|F|F" for a step with "PASS" ,"DONE" status and "T|T|T|F|F" for a step with status of "FAIL" or "WARNING"
'                                    For this parameter we use the following strings
'                                        1) "DEFAULT” - would set the parameter to Default based on the step Status. It would report the step in both QTP standard report and the Custom HTML report.
'                                        2) “DEFAULT_QTP” - would set the parameter to Default based on the step Status and it will report the step in the QTP standard report only. It will not report the step in Custom HTML report.
'                                        3) "DEFAULT_EXIT" - would set the parameter to Default based on the step Status and it will set blnExitTest(4th parameter of varReportParams) to "TRUE"
'                                        4) DEFAULT_EXIT_ACTION  - would set the parameter to Default based on the step Status and it will set blnTempExitAction(5th parameter of varReportParams) to "TRUE"

'                                    varOptional - Parameter for future use.
'Return Value                                       :    None
'Date Created                                       :     13/11/2014
Function Custom_Report_Step(strStepName, strStepDetail, strStepStatus, varReportParams, objCaptureObject, varOptional)
    Dim objFSO, ResFile
    Dim arrTemp_Rep
    Dim blnTempQTP : blnTempQTP = False
    Dim blnTempHTML : blnTempHTML = False
    Dim blnTempCapture : blnTempCapture = False
    Dim blnTempExit : blnTempExit = False
    Dim strEvent
    Dim strScreenShotName
    Dim dtstamp
    Dim objRegEx, blnRetVal
    Dim objQTPApp

    'Set the default value of the varReportParams if Empty or if it is Invalid
    Select Case UCase(varReportParams)
        Case "DEFAULT"
            If Ucase(strStepStatus) = "FAIL" Or  Ucase(strStepStatus) = "WARNING" Then               
                varReportParams = "T|T|T|F|F"
                varReportParams = "T|T|F|F|F"
            End If

        Case "DEFAULT_QTP"
            If Ucase(strStepStatus) = "FAIL" Or  Ucase(strStepStatus) = "WARNING" Then
                varReportParams = "T|F|T|F|F"
                varReportParams = "T|F|F|F|F"
            End If

        Case "DEFAULT_EXIT"
            If Ucase(strStepStatus) = "FAIL" Or  Ucase(strStepStatus) = "WARNING" Then               
                varReportParams = "T|T|T|T|F"
                varReportParams = "T|T|F|T|F"
            End If

            If Ucase(strStepStatus) = "FAIL" Or  Ucase(strStepStatus) = "WARNING" Then               
                varReportParams = "T|T|T|F|T"
                varReportParams = "T|T|F|F|T"
            End If
    End Select
    If Len(Trim(varReportParams)) <> 9 Then
            If Ucase(strStepStatus) = "FAIL" Or  Ucase(strStepStatus) = "WARNING" Then               
                varReportParams = "T|T|T|F|F"
                varReportParams = "T|T|F|F|F"
            End If
        Set objRegEx = New RegExp   ' Create a regular expression.
        objRegEx.Pattern = "(T|F)\|(T|F)\|(T|F)\|(T|F)|(T|F)"
        blnRetVal = objRegEx.Test(Ucase(varReportParams))

        'If Invalid set it to Default
        If Not(blnRetVal) Then
            If Ucase(strStepStatus) = "FAIL" Or  Ucase(strStepStatus) = "WARNING" Then       
                varReportParams = "T|T|T|F|F"
                varReportParams = "T|T|F|F|F"
            End If
        End If
    End If
    'Split the varReportParams parameters
    arrTemp_Rep = Split(varReportParams, "|")

    'QTP Rep
    If Ucase(arrTemp_Rep(0)) = "T" Then blnTempQTP = True

    'Html Rep
    If Ucase(arrTemp_Rep(1)) = "T" Then blnTempHTML = True

    'Capture Image
    If Ucase(arrTemp_Rep(2)) = "T" Then blnTempCapture = True

    'Exit Temp
    If Ucase(arrTemp_Rep(3)) = "T" Then blnTempExit = True

    'Exit Action    
    If Ucase(arrTemp_Rep(4)) = "T" Then blnTempExitAction = True

    'If QTP reporting is enabled
    If blnTempQTP And blnGlobalQTPReport Then
        Select Case UCase(strStepStatus)
            Case "PASS"
                strEvent = micPass
            Case "FAIL"
                strEvent = micFail
            Case "WARNING"
                strEvent = micWarning
            Case "INFORMATION"
                strEvent = micInfo
            Case Else
                strEvent = micDone
        End Select

        'Report the Details
        If blnTempExit Then
            Reporter.ReportEvent  strEvent, strStepName, strStepDetail & vbnewline & "Exiting the test on User Request"
            Reporter.ReportEvent  strEvent, strStepName, strStepDetail
        End If
    End If

    'If Custom HTML reporting is enabled 
    If blnTempHTML And blnGlobalHTMLReport Then
        'Open the HTML file for writing    
        strResFilePath = Environment.Value("strResFile")
        Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
        If ObjFSO.FileExists(strResFilePath) Then
            Set ResFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(Environment.Value("strResFile"),8)       
            ResFile.Writeline(" " )
            ResFile.Writeline("& "400>")
 "center>& "Verdana " & "size=" & "2" & ">"  &   Environment.Value("TestIteration"))
            ResFile.Writeline("& "400>")
 "center>& "Verdana " & "size=" & "2" & ">"  &   Environment.Value("ActionName"))
            ResFile.Writeline("& "400>")
 "center>& "Verdana " & "size=" & "2" & ">"  &  strStepName)
            ResFile.Writeline("& "400>")
            If blnTempExit Then
 "center>& "Verdana " & "size=" & "2" & ">"  &  strStepDetail & ".
Exiting the test on User Request"
 "center>& "Verdana " & "size=" & "2" & ">"  &  strStepDetail)
            End If
            ResFile.Writeline("& "400>")
            If Trim(strStepStatus) = "" Then
                strStepStatus = "-"
                strStepStatus = UCase(strStepStatus)
            End If
            If UCase(strStepStatus)="PASS" Then
 "center" & ">" & "& "Verdana " & "size=" & "2" & " color=" & "#008000" & ">" & strStepStatus & "")
            ElseIf UCase(strStepStatus)="FAIL" Then
 "center" & ">" & "& "Verdana " & "size=" & "2" & " color=" & "#FF0000" & ">" & strStepStatus & "")
            ElseIf UCase(strStepStatus)="WARNING" Then
 "center" & ">" & "& "Verdana " & "size=" & "2" & " color=" & "#FF8C00" & ">" & strStepStatus & "")
 "center" & ">" & "& "Verdana " & "size=" & "2" & " color=" & "#8A4117" & ">" & strStepStatus & "")                      
            End If
            ResFile.Writeline("& "400>")
 "center>& "Verdana " & "size=" & "2" & ">"  &  Time)
            'Capture Screen shot
            If blnTempCapture Then
                'Minimize QTP
                Set objQTPApp = Getobject("","QuickTest.Application")               
                objQTPApp.WindowState = "Minimized"
                Set objQTPApp = Nothing
                'Create the File Name
                dtstamp = "_" &Month(now) & "_" & Day(now) & "_" & Hour(now) & "_" & Minute(now) & "_" & Second(now)
                strScreenShotName = "ErrorScreenShot" & dtstamp
                If IsObject(objCaptureObject) Then
                    If Not(objCaptureObject is Nothing) Then
                        objCaptureObject.CaptureBitmap Environment.Value("strScreenShotPath") &"\" & strScreenShotName & ".png"True
                        Desktop.CaptureBitmap Environment.Value("strScreenShotPath") &"\" & strScreenShotName & ".png"True
                    End If
                    Desktop.CaptureBitmap Environment.Value("strScreenShotPath") &"\" & strScreenShotName & ".png"True
                End If
                strScreenShotName = "-"
            End If
            ResFile.Writeline("& "400>")
 "center>& "Verdana " & "size=" & "2" & ">"  &  strScreenShotName)
            'Close the Results File
            Reporter.ReportEvent micDone,"Verify Result FIle Path","FIle does not exist. " & VBlf & strResFilePath
        End If
        Set objFSO = Nothing
        Set ResFile = Nothing
    End If
    'If blnTempExit is True. Upload report to QC and Exit the Test
    If blnTempExit Then               
        Call Custom_Report_Wrapup()
        'Exit the Test        
    End If

    'Added the appropriate conditional for the ExitAction statement
    If blnTempExitAction Then ExitAction()
    Custom_Report_Step = 0
End Function

'Function Name                            :    Custom_Report_Wrapup
'Description                    :     To add footer to  the Custom Report and Upload the report to QC if the test is executed from QC. 
'Notes                        :    This step should be called before exiting the test
'Input Parameter                :    None
'Return Value                :    None
'Date Created                                :    13/11/2014                                 
Function Custom_Report_Wrapup()
    Dim objFSO, ResFile

    If blnGlobalHTMLReport Then
        'Open the HTML file for writing    
        Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
        Set ResFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(Environment.Value("strResFile"),8)
 "#000000 id=table1 width=900 height=31 cellspacing=0 bordercolorlight=" & "#FFFFFF>")                                          
        ResFile.Writeline(" " )
& " "& "No. Of Verification Points :  " &  intVerificationNo & " ")
& " "& "Passed :  " &  intPassCounter & " ")
& " "& "Failed :  " &  intFailCounter & " ")
& " "& "Warnings :  " &  intWarningCounter & " ")
        'If Executed From QC Upload the HTML report
        If blnIsExecFromQC Then
            Call QC_AttachFileToTestRun(Environment.Value("strResFile"))
            Call QC_AttachScreenshots(Environment.Value("strScreenShotPath"))
        End If
        Set objFSO = Nothing
        Set ResFile = Nothing
    End If
End Function

'Function Name                            :    QC_AttachFileToTestRun
'Description                    :     To Upload the required File to QC 
'Author                        :    Jay
'Input Parameter                         :     strFilePath - The complete path with the file name
'Return Value                                :     None
'Date Created                                :    13/11/2014                                 
Function QC_AttachFileToTestRun(strFilePath)
    Dim objQCAttachments, objQCAttachments_Item
    Set objQCAttachments =  QCUtil.CurrentRun.Attachments
    Set objQCAttachments_Item = objQCAttachments.AddItem(Null)
    objQCAttachments_Item.FileName = strFilePath
    objQCAttachments_Item.Type = 1
    Set objQCAttachments = Nothing
    Set objQCAttachments_Item = Nothing
End Function

'Function Name                              :    QC_AttachScreenshots
'Description                                 :    To attach the screenshots to test run in QC
'Author                          :    Jay
'Input Parameter                           :     strScreenshotsFolder - The complete path of the folder that has the screenshots
'Return Value                                  :     None
'Date Created                                  :     13/11/2014                                 
Function QC_AttachScreenshots (strScreenshotsFolder)
    Dim objFSO,  objFolderName, objfileList, objFile

    Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set objFolderName = objFSO.GetFolder(strScreenshotsFolder)
    Set objfileList = objFolderName.Files
    For each objFile in objfileList
        Call QC_AttachFileToTestRun(objFile.Path)
    Set objFSO = Nothing
    Set objFolderName = Nothing
    Set objfileList = Nothing
End Function
'======================================== E N D ==============================================================================


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Public Function CompareFiles (FilePath1, FilePath2) Dim FS, File1, File2 Set FS = CreateObject(“Scripting.FileSystemObject”) If FS.GetFile(FilePath1).Size <> FS.GetFile(FilePath2).Size Then CompareFiles = True Exit Function End If Set File1 = FS.GetFile(FilePath1).OpenAsTextStream(1, 0) Set File2 = FS.GetFile(FilePath2).OpenAsTextStream(1, 0) CompareFiles = False Do While File1.AtEndOfStream = False Str1 = File1.Read(1000) Str2 = File2.Read(1000) CompareFiles = StrComp(Str1, Str2, 0) If CompareFiles <> 0 Then CompareFiles = True Exit Do End If Loop File1.Close() File2.Close() End Function Return value: The function returns 0 or False if the two files are identical, otherwise True. Example: File1 = “C:\countries\apple1.jpg” File2 = “C:\countries\apple3.jpg” If CompareFiles(File1, File2) = False Then MsgBox “Files are identical.” Else MsgBox “Files are different.” End If    Source: Mercury Forum’s KB articles

CreateImageFromClipBoard using QTP

'-------------------------------------------------------------------------' Method : CreateImageFromClipBoard' Author : Jai Purpose : It gets the clipboard image and convert as a image file.' Parameters: FileName - String, contains the BMP file name' iIndex - Integer, contains the Worksheet index' Returns : String. The replaced file name it gives.' Caller : - Nil' Calls : - Nil' ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub CreateImageFromClipBoard(sFileName) Dim wshShell,ShellReturnCode, sCmdExec Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") sCmdExec = "D:\autostuff\i_view32.exe /silent /clippaste /convert="& sFileName ShellReturnCode = WshShell.Run(sCmdExec, 1, True) End Sub