Dim description, filepath
Set xmlDoc1 = CreateObject(“Msxml2.DOMDocument”)
xmlDoc1.load(“C:\jay\Desktop1.xml”)’file 1
Set xmlDoc2 = CreateObject(“Msxml2.DOMDocument”)
xmlDoc2.load(“C:\Jay\Desktop2.xml”)’file 2
Set ElemList1= xmlDoc1.DocumentElement.ChildNodes
Set ElemList2= xmlDoc2.DocumentElement.ChildNodes
If ElemList1.length=ElemList2.length Then’ check weather both xml file has same number of childnodes
msgbox “Both XML files have same number of Child nodes”
For i = 0 to ElemList1.length-1
If ElemList1.item(i).Text=ElemList2.item(i).Text Then
msgbox “child element:”&i &” is same in both XML files”
msgbox “child element:”& i &” is not same in both XML files, In XML file 1, The valueis:”&ElemList1.item(i).Text &” and In XML file 1, The value is:”&ElemList2.item(i).Text
End If
End If
Set xmlDoc1 = CreateObject(“Msxml2.DOMDocument”)
xmlDoc1.load(“C:\jay\Desktop1.xml”)’file 1
Set xmlDoc2 = CreateObject(“Msxml2.DOMDocument”)
xmlDoc2.load(“C:\Jay\Desktop2.xml”)’file 2
Set ElemList1= xmlDoc1.DocumentElement.ChildNodes
Set ElemList2= xmlDoc2.DocumentElement.ChildNodes
If ElemList1.length=ElemList2.length Then’ check weather both xml file has same number of childnodes
msgbox “Both XML files have same number of Child nodes”
For i = 0 to ElemList1.length-1
If ElemList1.item(i).Text=ElemList2.item(i).Text Then
msgbox “child element:”&i &” is same in both XML files”
msgbox “child element:”& i &” is not same in both XML files, In XML file 1, The valueis:”&ElemList1.item(i).Text &” and In XML file 1, The value is:”&ElemList2.item(i).Text
End If
End If