Method : CreateImageFromClipBoard'
Author : Jai
Purpose : It gets the clipboard image and convert as a image file.'
Parameters: FileName - String, contains the BMP file name' iIndex - Integer, contains the Worksheet index'
Returns : String. The replaced file name it gives.'
Caller : - Nil'
Calls : - Nil'
Sub CreateImageFromClipBoard(sFileName)
Dim wshShell,ShellReturnCode,
sCmdExec Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
sCmdExec = "D:\autostuff\i_view32.exe /silent /clippaste /convert="& sFileName ShellReturnCode = WshShell.Run(sCmdExec, 1, True)
End Sub
Method : CreateImageFromClipBoard'
Author : Jai
Purpose : It gets the clipboard image and convert as a image file.'
Parameters: FileName - String, contains the BMP file name' iIndex - Integer, contains the Worksheet index'
Returns : String. The replaced file name it gives.'
Caller : - Nil'
Calls : - Nil'
Sub CreateImageFromClipBoard(sFileName)
Dim wshShell,ShellReturnCode,
sCmdExec Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
sCmdExec = "D:\autostuff\i_view32.exe /silent /clippaste /convert="& sFileName ShellReturnCode = WshShell.Run(sCmdExec, 1, True)
End Sub